Biological weapon supplied from Sweden

Biological weapon supplied from Sweden

by ChocoBrumik

  1. That stuff is lethal. You will only attempt it once, maybe as a dare, but never again.

  2. oh my god that is maximum troll to drop that on a hungry russian troop stuck in a trench with no supplies.

    like, not only do you get trolled, you know the enemy is doing so well they can throw away food and spend time dicking about having fun.

  3. holy fuck they made the meme!

    to be far tho that would really fuck moral , but then again Russians are sleeping next to the dead so it might be a bit better ……..

  4. As a swede and therefore someone who has endured that stench every fucking summer I can assure you they will just give up if you throw an opened can into one of their trenches

  5. That will be more a psychological drop for starving russians to see Ukrainians have plenty of food to toss at them.

  6. It is not listed as a Biological weapon so can be used freely. Recommend using to clear buildings.

  7. Imagine if they weaponized the smell into an aerosol. This will render belgorod uninhabitable.

  8. This could be used to deter civilians from going near military targets in crimea .

    Eg make a beach off limits. . Then the landing could go ahead on that beach,civilian free

  9. Oh, damn. The Ukrainians are now planning to commit war crimes with the help of the Swedes?

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