Ukrainian pilot Jeff destroyed the S-400 air defense system while flying a downed MiG-29 fighter jet

The Air Force disclosed the details of the unique operation to destroy the S-400 air defense system

According to the information of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a Ukrainian pilot with the call sign Jeff on a downed MiG-29 fighter was able to destroy the S-400 air defense system of the occupation army of the Russian Federation.

What is known about the heroic destruction by Jeff of the S-400 air defense system on the downed MiG-29

It is noted that Jeff has more than 150 sorties and about fifty launched HARM missiles, guided JDAM aerial bombs.

The pilot managed to destroy more than 10 UAVs of the occupying army of the Russian Federation, enemy air defense positions.

Jeff also worked to cover the ground units of the Armed Forces.

In November 2023, a Ukrainian pilot flew a MiG-29 fighter jet armed with HARM missiles.

His task was to destroy the position of the S-400 air defense system of the Russian occupiers near Donetsk.

The failure of this task would expose the ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area to serious danger, since the aircraft of the Russian invaders dropped anti-aircraft missiles on the positions of the Ukrainian military.

30 km from the launch site, Jeff received a warning about an enemy aircraft up to 100 km away.

20 km from the target launch, he receives a warning about the launch of an enemy missile in his own direction, but decides to continue the mission.

I'll make it! 10 km to the goal! I have to! If I don't "knock out" the S-400, it will work against our fighters, Jeff recalls.

While gaining speed, he felt a sharp blow to the starboard side from an enemy R-77 rocket.

A series of failures began on the instrument panel. In this situation, Jeff had to either turn the plane away, which in this case would finally fail and start falling, or try to launch missiles.

30 seconds to the starting line. The pilot continues his work. Starts HARM, at this moment the hydraulic system fails, the plane leans to the right.

At this time, the fighter jet of the criminal army of the Russian Federation fired another missile. The height is 300 meters, the slope is increasing.

On the downed plane, Jeff decides to fire another missile at the target.

The plane finally loses control and falls. The pilot quickly remembers all the boys' mistakes during the ejection, quickly says goodbye to the plane, asks for its forgiveness, closes his eyes and pulls the catapult handle. A second enemy missile flies into the plane, the Air Force says.

It is emphasized that the Ukrainian pilot managed to land as safely as possible on moist, soft ground, but in an area 26 km from Donetsk, where many enemy DRGs and special forces of the occupation army of the Russian Federation are stationed.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian pilot Jeff successfully destroyed the S-400 air defense system of the Russian occupation army while flying a downed MiG-29 fighter, showcasing high professionalism and courage amidst intensified hostilities.

  • Despite facing a series of challenges during the operation, including missile attacks and hydraulic system failures, Jeff managed to land safely on moist ground, preventing catastrophic consequences.

  • In addition to the destruction of the S-400 system, Jeff also destroyed the S-300 air defense system in a separate operation, highlighting his exceptional combat skills and determination to protect Ukrainian ground units.

  • The pilot's achievements include conducting over 150 sorties, destroying more than 10 enemy UAVs, and displaying exceptional aerial combat capabilities by launching multiple missiles against enemy air defense positions.

  • The successful operations carried out by Jeff underscore the heroism and dedication of Ukrainian military personnel in defending their country against the Russian occupation forces.




addition from another source:

[коли] Джеф приземлився…

… [він] зняв свою маску і комбінезон, побіг у посадку – там набрав свого побратима, аби повідомити йому геолокацію. У той момент "Джефу" написала дружина – розповіла про завал на навчанні.

Український захисник посміхнувся, подумав про себе: "Ну в тебе і проблеми". Але відповів серйозно: "Тримайся, все вийде, ти сильна".

[When] Jeff landed … [he] took off his mask and overalls, ran to the windbreak forest, and called his brother-in-arms to tell the geolocation. At that moment, his wife wrote to Jeff about her backlog at studying.

The Ukrainian defender smiled and thought to himself: "Well, you've had a problem there". But he replied seriously: "Hang in there, everything will work out, you're strong."



original source: UAF Air Force Command :: facebook :: in Ukrainian

and a bit more from there (so, edit 2):

Джеф – зовсім молодий. Та у свої 26 – вже досвідчений льотчик. Вступив до ХНУПСу у 2015-му, коли тато був у тривалій ротації на Луганщині.

Джеф ділиться, що він із побратимами давно чекають на сучасніші літаки.

Ми пішли навчатись у 2015-му, коли вже йшла війна. Нас готували. Ми знали, що будемо воювати. Ми готові літати по 3-4, а то і більше вильотів на день. Готові щоденно ризикувати. Але нам потрібна зброя! Багато зброї! Сучасної зброї! Це зовсім не забаганка. Це – життєва необхідність!
Буду чесним, F-16 цієї модифікації, що ми отримаємо, це не зовсім те, про що ми мріяли. Але це – значно універсальніша бойова платформа, із якої можна застосовувати чималу номенклатуру авіаційних засобів ураження, це кращі технологічні можливості. Хотілося б отримати F-16 раніше… Найвідважніші та найсильніші мої друзі поклали свої життя на радянських літаках… що перебувають на межі за фізичним зносом… Ми в будь-якому випадку переможемо! Та з F-ками все ж швидше!

Jeff is very young. He's only 26 years old, but he is already an experienced pilot. He entered Ivan Kozhedub National Air Force University in 2015 when his father was on a long rotation in the Luhansk region.

Jeff says that he and his brothers-in-arms have been waiting for more modern aircraft for a long time.

"We started training in 2015, when the war was already going on. We were being trained. We knew we would be fighting. We are ready to fly 3-4 or even more sorties a day. We are ready to take risks every day. But we need weapons! Lots of weapons! Modern weapons! This is not a whim at all. This is a vital necessity!

To be honest, the F-16 of this modification that we will receive is not exactly what we dreamed of. However it is a much more versatile combat platform that can launch a wide range of weapons, and it has better technological capabilities. I wish we had received the F-16 earlier… My bravest and strongest friends laid down their lives on Soviet aircraft… which were on the verge of physical deterioration… We will win in any case, but with F-16s it will be faster!"

by ewild

  1. “Hang in there, everything will work out, you’re strong.” Couldn’t put it better myself

  2. “Hang in there, everything will work out, you’re strong.” – Jeff
    “When you find yourself going through hell, keep going.” – Churchill

  3. Wonder what he was dreaming of. F-15 maybe?
    Guess that depends on how realistic he was, but an F-35 would’ve been fantasy

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