Russian spies’ children learnt their nationality after prisoner swap

Russian spies’ children learnt their nationality after prisoner swap

by GalaadJoachim

  1. And they were boasting about how deep the cover was. So deep, they managed to hide it from literal children

  2. What a nightmare for those kids. one day you are just a normal kid, in an EU country and the next day you suddenly are part of a criminal regime and your get a pat on the cheek by a mass murderer.

  3. From McDonald’s to Vkusno & tochka

    From a bright future to dystopia

    These kids lost their friends, futures and parents during a plane ride.

    They will never see anyone they knew ever again

  4. In my opinion, this by itself is a much bigger crime than whatever they did as spies. I can’t imagine what a completely rotten human being one has to be to make the entire life of their own children a total lie for years.

  5. I think it’s a bullshit. I think russian media creating now movie spy story from them. Both parents and kids looks as much russian as you can imagine.

  6. if the couple was arrested in 2022. where were those kids in the mean time?

    edit. so many questions.

    how did they leave russia in the first place?
    flying to cuba and then finding someone there that gives them their fake passports?
    how do they learn spanish with an Argentinian accent?
    what do they tell their kids? no you don’t have grandparents or uncles, aunts, etc.

    what else did putin said to them?
    bienvenidos a la madre russia.

  7. I’d have frankly kms while taking the shitbags of parents down with me if something like that happened to me.

  8. >”making such sacrifices for the sake of their work and their dedication to their service”.

    How is not being russian a “sacrifice”?

  9. Damn, apparently these two were more important than most people here could have imagined after hearing that our police arrested two Russian spies. I wonder what exactly they were doing here but of course it will probably remain a secret forever…

  10. How these children are going to live now? They probably don’t even speak russian. And what happened to their nationality? Aren’t they the citizens of Slovenia or were their passports revoked too?
    What a rollercoaster of crap. Your parents are jailed for being Russian spies. Fuck. You are sent to foster parents for a while. Whoops. You’re sent to Russia in a large prisoners exchange. Double fuck

  11. >“The children of the undercover agents asked their parents yesterday who had greeted them,” Mr Peskov said, adding: “They did not even know who Putin is.”

    >The Kremlin spokesman said that is how undercover agents work, “making such sacrifices for the sake of their work and their dedication to their service”.

    Imagine having a child and ruining his/her life just to serve a cunt ass dictator and his regime full of war criminals.

    They really are the fucking worst.

  12. No offense, just ignorant of what Slovenia has to offer, but what would be of interest to the Russians in Slovenia? Is there critical high-tech being developed?

  13. It may get even worse for them in future. They may be sent to Ukrainian trenches once they are old enough, given how shitty their parents are. Especially if they ever say anything bad about Putin regime.

  14. > Unlike “legal” spies, who are posted abroad under diplomatic or other official cover, illegals are on their own – working normal jobs, living in suburbs and operating without the diplomatic immunity enjoyed by other agents should they be caught.

    There’s such a thing as legal spies who get diplomatic immunity?

  15. I wish this would have happened before Canada’s Russian spies were ousted. Maybe our courts would have handled it differently.

  16. Surprise! You’re Russian now! You get to live in a pariah mafia state and in a couple of years you can get slaughtered in a “meat attack” in Ukraine.

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