I never thought I’d see the day

I never thought I’d see the day

by ChiefCokkahoe

  1. About a hundred are behind the riot vans demonstrating for peace and the cameras are all turned towards the dozen morons advocating for hate

  2. It’s unfortunate that in some of the other threads there are plenty of posters making this an orange issue – those loyalists and their bigotry, you’d never get that with the Republican community!

    No. There are absolute wombats on both sides. Two cheeks of the same arse and it’s time this sub stopped pretending this is a loyalist only problem when it isn’t.

  3. Barrett, or is it Reynolds these days, regularly use Loyalist and former EDL types as “security” at their public ‘gatherings’ so it’s hardly surprising a few tricolours would be present.

  4. They’ll just as quickly turn on each other. There’s no unitity just mutual ignorance and anger

  5. I heard they bussed these tricolour muppets up from Dublin so they could work with their Loyalist mates.

  6. Irish hating immigrants is the dumbest shit on the planet, we’ve literally immigrated and fucked are way into 90% of the planet 😂

  7. Only said I could see it happening, I am in no way endorsing it as a way forward

  8. I never thought I’d see the day when Nazis could stand and proudly give Nazi salutes in broad daylight in the city centre. What is wrong with society when we allow this to happen?

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