Iran: Hisbollah wird als Reaktion auf Shukr-Ermordung gezielt Zivilisten angreifen

Iran: Hisbollah wird als Reaktion auf Shukr-Ermordung gezielt Zivilisten angreifen

  1. The Permanent Mission of the [Islamic Republic of Iran]( to the United Nations told CBS News in an exclusive on Friday that the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah would begin deliberately targeting Israeli civilians – claiming that it had not done so until now. 

    Hezbollah has reportedly decided to increase its targets in attacks in response to the assassination of its commander, Fuad Shukr.

    “Until now, Hezbollah and the regime have, in an unwritten understanding, practically adhered to certain limits in their military operations, meaning that confining their actions to border areas and shallow zones, targeting primarily military objectives,”  a spokesperson from the delegation told CBS News. “However, the regime’s attack on Dahieh in Beirut and the targeting of a residential building marked a deviation from these boundaries. We anticipate that, in its response, Hezbollah will choose both broader and deeper targets, and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means.”

  2. I think Israel 🇮🇱 is prepared to strike Iranian leadership directly in such a scenario.

  3. Wait…they weren’t before? Also does using your own citizens as shields count as deliberately targeting?

  4. The only bad thing about Shukr’s assassination is that it wasn’t done decades ago. Iran going to lose more than a couple of SAM sites if they keep this crap up.

  5. So when they killed the kids on the soccer field first they denied it, then they said it was a mistake. Now they are saying no we liked that, we are going to keep doing that. But of course Israel is the problem in the Middle East…

    I think people are slowly starting to wake up to their BS.

  6. Oh boy… suicide by stupidity. Another 200 or 300 years, and maybe they will learn their lesson.

  7. I can’t wait for the day when the Islamic Republic in Iran becomes just a dark memory, not the present reality.

    Free Iran. Woman, life, freedom!

  8. So they are basically screaming “we are terrorists” at the top of their lungs and yet some people wonder who are the bad guys?

  9. So, a Hamas commander gets killed, Iran responds and Hezbollah will do the bombing. There goes the last shred of plausible deniability concerning their connection.

  10. Isn’t it wild that reddit has subs dedicated to the destruction of Israel and they’re cheering for an ultraconservative islamic government that even the majority of Iranians don’t support? Is there any sub dedicated to any other nation’s destruction?

  11. Hizbollah:

    >We are just a bunch of misunderstood guys that wanna be friends with the rest of the world, but Israel is making us look bad.

    Also Hezbollah:

    >Oh hey, if we do something horrible and it turns out to be bad for us, we can always claim we are innocent and didn’t do it.

  12. So the whole we aren’t monsters and we didn’t launch the rocket that killed all those children is now forgotten?

  13. Why can’t middle eastern countries get along with one another? What’s up with constant infighting. Lot of regions have ethnic differences but somehow they avoid genocide and massacres whereas these nations just absolutely have to pick up swords

  14. Can the UN then please, finally, get its fucking shit together and do something about it, including fucking Russia?

  15. Iran: we are deliberately attacking civilians

    The UN: 👍
    The Media: 👍
    The EU: 👍
    Rashida Tlaib: 👍
    Queers for Palestine: 👍
    Major Universities around the world: 👍

  16. What a joke of a rebel movement.  

    You are a dog off a leash and Israel will put you down like a sick dog if you step out of line.

  17. Isn’t that how this whole debacle started?

    Empty threats when you do what you threaten as a matter of course

  18. You struck at a military target, so we will kill civilians. Also, we are the good guys.  

    — Iran in a nutshell

  19. So the world is going to protest and condemn this, right? After all, they’re admitting to deliberately targeting civilians now. I expect we’ll see marches and riots and large scale protests all over Europe and the USA, right? Or am I living in a fantasy world?

  20. Someone is teetering on the edge of FAFO.

    If they escalate, I don’t think it’s going to go as planned.

  21. Israel is fed up and they’re not fucking around now which sucks. If you value your life you need to leave. My heart’s with you all this whole situation is fucked 

  22. Well that’ll be the end of Hezbollah. Lebanon will finally to able to prosper with their elimination

  23. Good luck with that. You already killed 12 children. Nobody is going to know the difference. But I bet you will notice the response.

    Tells you a lot when they kill military targets and the response is we’re going to kill civilians.

  24. We all know that they’re terrorists, but they’re actually admitting it? How the hell can you support these people?

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