This guy’s brain is so baked, even Badger from Breaking Bad is smarter. How are people not seeing this…

This guy’s brain is so baked, even Badger from Breaking Bad is smarter. How are people not seeing this…

Posted by golfnut82

  1. It’s always word salad, and it’s a direct reflection of his cognitive abilities.

    AKA.. he’s an idiot.

  2. What a bunch of gibberish……tell me again he is not in mental decline…..and I will introduce you to my pet unicorn

  3. Felon Trump, is the equivalent of sitting down at a restaurant and being served 6 month old stale bread and your water has pee-color hair looking things floating in it

  4. The emperor privilege; if it’s not Fox paining the pig golden then it’s fake news.  

    Talk to him like a reporter and that’s rude. 

  5. Is the top search result for WEIRD a picture of TFG?

    And if not, which of you whippersnappers is gonna make that happen with this internet thingy?

  6. I want to see the MAGAoogle search engine results for any search. All the links would go to campaign donation sites.

  7. I need a pocket Rosetta Stone to decipher this diarrhea.

    But when he says “ You won’t have to vote again in four years,” MAGAts are doing somersaults trying to explain what he meant.


  8. The only thing I got out of that is that he somehow thinks one of the world’s biggest companies is about to shut down for some unknown reason

  9. Trump literally can’t run 2 sentences together in order to finish a thought.
    I’m to only guess that’s why stupid people like him. He says nothing important or coherent.

  10. Show you don’t really understand anything about technology and new media while playing like you’re a social media guru because people are pumping and dumping your stock to line your pockets.

    > “Google is gonna be close to shut down”

  11. Yikes !!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 commit him.


  12. His cognitive decline is sad and weird.

    It’s also weird how Republicans won’t let him step down.

  13. At this point I am convinced that he talks in a different frequency that we don’t understand but his followers do.

  14. Adderall will do this. Makes you talk word salads out loud, even if nobody is listening.

    He’s just a weird addict, but he’s too rich to prove it.

  15. He’s speaking their language. The language of brain rot. They love this shit. The less sense he makes and the more lies he tells the more represented his inbred backwoods base feels.

  16. I hope this shit gets relayed and read to future students. Because I honest don’t believe anyone will think this is exactly how he talks.

  17. They see it. And when he loses they will put Junior on a ticket. And then Eric. Tiffany. Barron. We will never be done with this fucking family.

  18. Contrast this blather with realtime interviews with people like Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg. Watch Pete on Fox News last week.

    The contrast isn’t night and day, it’s matter and antimatter.

  19. Maybe shitting on and threatening Google/Facebook/etc right before an election that will largely be decided by targeted ads served by Google/Facebook/etc isn’t the best strategy…


  20. If trump wins (gods forbid), he will seek revenge on the tech companies and social media platforms that didn’t support him. Tech billionaires should be actively backing Kamala if they hope to survive.

  21. It helps to actually spell out the gibberish run-on sentences, with the random tangential thoughts spewing out in no particular order, using the vocabulary of a 5th-grader. Just so people can see it, and hopefully be appalled by it.

  22. It’s the Art of Bullshit! Realtors, used car sale people, MLM boss peeps use it cuz it works obviously. You confuse the mark with fast talk words that mean nothing while looking deep into their eyes looking for emotional signals or weakness. Then close the sale, works on the weak, afraid, and desperate, maybe wounded similar to lions feeding on the slow deer of the herd🦌 😀

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