Remember when Trump catered McDonalds for the Clemson Tigers football team?

That was weird

Posted by Pro-Patria-Mori

  1. With the finest Chefs in America working in the kitchen at the White House, shaking their heads and doing absolutely nothing. I believe it was the Head Chef the coined the phrase “goddamn and I miss Obama.”

  2. I used to live 3 blocks from a McDonald’s when they offered delivery. In the short time that it took to deliver the order, it would become almost inedible. Cold fries are vile.

  3. I remember him making a point of saying that he paid for all of it himself, which I immediately took to mean he did not pay for any of it.

  4. Remember when DonOld threw paper towel rolls at disaster victims? That was weird, disrespectful and pathetic.

  5. Stay classy, Dufuss..

    He ‘forgot’ that this was not one of his boy’s high school team.

    He don’t care, do you ?

  6. He blamed the Democrats for this too.

    One of the funniest things I recall from this event was a reporter asked “what’s your favorite fast food? “

    Another reporter blurted out “tough question! “


  7. How disappointed would you be if you got invited to the White House for dinner and the President of the United States of America hands you a room temp McDonald’s cheeseburger as he sucks down his 5th Diet Coke of the day

  8. McD burgers are pretty bad even when fresh, but absolutely disgusting hours after preparation. WTF was he thinking?

  9. Which he had to do because the White House kitchen staff was on furlough because the government was shut down as a result of his refusal to agree on a federal budget

  10. Clemson wasn’t even considered a traditional power. Here they achieved the school’s second natty and first in 30+ years. Imagine being an athlete that goes through all that to bring home hardware for an institution that rarely achieved such success and you get that white house trip only to get…………cold McFuckinDonalds hamberders. 

  11. Guarantee whoever paid for that was never reimbursed. My hunch is Reince or Kellyanne

  12. Pepridge Farm remembers. Some of the players could be heard muttering “is this for real?”

    Yeah you guys are all millionaires here ya go, cold burgers.

  13. Amazing that a man who grew up among the wealthy elite of Manhattan thinks cold fast food is a proper meal to be served in the fucking White House.

  14. if you were to tell me 10 years ago that this was a real photo, i’d think you were full of shit.

  15. As a Clemson fan I remember. There celebrating our best season after a blowout National Championship win against Alabama 44-16. And got McDonald’s with Trump as a reward. I would have been so disappointed if I were one of our players. Thank god my other team didn’t go when they won a title while Trump was in office- the Eagles.

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