Ukraine successfully attacked a russian B-237 attack submarine in Sevastopol’s port. As a result of the attack, the submarine sank.

by TheRealMykola

  1. Such a smart and calculated strike by the UAF. Let the russians spend a ton of money, time, and resources to fix the submarine, which was damaged in the fall of 2023, and as soon as they had it repaired and almost operational, strike it again, but this time with a knock out punch that sank it for good. Slava Ukraini!

  2. Ruscian submarine officially “elevated” to the Black Sea “submarine” fleet?

  3. that one happi graphic designer who is allowed to correct the “+1” to “+2” behind the submarine icon in those destroyed military resources statistic charts.

  4. Nah! Going underwater it’s normal for submarines.

    The Ukrainians have only perfected this capability as it can now be permanently submerged.

  5. Good nowhere is safe for enemy invaders. Russia leave Ukraine now and stop this bullshit. You will never win this unjust war

  6. Russian propaganda will release the following statement tomorrow: brave soldiers of the Russian navy successfully destroyed a nato ATACMS missile with their superior submarine.

  7. So how many submarines do the RuZZians have in the Black Sea? I hope the Ukrainians sink them all!

  8. The image of that Kilo submarine is from way back in 2011, however.

    For example Oryx hasn’t listed a second Kilo being destroyed since the first one that was confirmed to be struck in 2023.
    What I am saying is, I think I will wait for proper sources and some proof.

    The idea that Russia would send another Kilo to Sevastopol and just have it sitting there moored and surfaced and ready to be potentially struck, seems unlikely.

    However, it is Russia, so I am open to this turning out to be true (I have seen the Russians literally drive their tanks about 5m apart from each other and one land mine took out multiple tanks, so sometimes they do unimaginably silly things).

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