Bash Cafe on the Donegall Road has been burnt down

Photo from Twitter. sad to see

by binesandlines

  1. Based on what I’ve seen there’s also a random fire in the middle of the street on what may be Sandy Row.

  2. One car burned out on sandy row and ones being set on fire as we speak. Seen a live of TikTok. It is a disgrace

  3. Anti-Islamic protests and they’ve done far far more damage than a Muslim has done in Belfast in a long time and than anyone part of Bash Cafe will ever do. It’s just hypocrisy and it’s fucking disgusting

  4. It’s heresay atm so massive pinch of salt but I’ve heard someone’s been stabbed on Fitzroy 

  5. The owner is a hardworking Sudanese guy who runs a Computer services company behind the restaurant.He had moved there because in 2023 they burnt his previous site that he had to move.

  6. Patriots one and all

    EDIT – Just to clarify, the statement about them being patriots was sarcastic. They are a bunch of bloody scum.

  7. Far right fuckers will target any one and any thing they think is a fair target. We should come down on them with the full force of the law. If they get away with this it will embolden them.

  8. Just found this about the owner’s response:

    Rahmi, who has been in Belfast for 35 years, said he did not “know how to explain” what happened to his children.
    He said he was not “blaming anybody” but said there “was no safety at all” and felt there could have been more of a police presence when “the parade was walking” through the area.
    He added that it was “terrible” that his business had been attacked for “no reason”.

    (@lil_doza on X)

  9. Bloody immigrants coming over here, setting up small businesses and contributing to the economy and local community.

    Order has been restored and this will now be another boarded-up shop front along Sandy Row, keeping the area as economically dead and deprived as the “concerned residents committees” want it to be.

  10. I would love it if there was a gofundme or somewhere to donate to support this guy. Anyone with any links hit me up please

  11. So am I right in thinking they attacked this cafe earlier and then came back to burn it down or did it all happen in the first attack?

    How did they happen upon this specific business? Was it planned beforehand? Some thugs took note of businesses owned by foreigners to attack?

  12. Scum. The cafe owner was contributing to society here, far more than them wanks that burnt it are doing I’m sure.

    So sad to see this.

  13. ![gif](giphy|xT8qB7GQDfnldWTFhS|downsized)

    *How it feels having to walk to and from work twice a day down the Sandy Row when this shit is going on.

  14. Makes a change from sectarianism I suppose. The thugs have found something in common…..anti Islam.

  15. Awful lot of Alliance voters in here clutching their pearls about a situation they helped create and agitate for over a decade.

  16. It’s time the cops and state got a grip of this shit.
    Anyone involved should be shown absolutely zero mercy.
    Beaten to within an inch of their lives and imprisoned for life.
    99.9% of these scumbags couldn’t give a fcuk about anyone’s kids etc, they’re simply using this ‘immigration’ topic as an excuse to loots, rob, burn, and destroy both public and private property.

    Zero tolerance approach needs to be assumed NOW

  17. Horrific, this guy is trying to give his kids a decent life and is working for everything. Fucking animals to do that.

  18. Your man standing there posing for his wee selfie is giving me the boke in every possible way. What absolute cunts the fucking lot of them.

  19. These idiots have been crying for ages everytime someone calls them far right, racist or Nazis, then they go and show that this is exactly what they are. Explain to me where it states in the bible, they’re all so keen on the preservation of Christians values after all, that we should get drunk ,hate our neighbours and set fire to a building in our own neighborhood? Free speech for the dumb…..

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