Luxus-Erbe behauptet, sein 13 Milliarden Dollar schweres Hermès-Vermögen sei verschwunden

Luxus-Erbe behauptet, sein 13 Milliarden Dollar schweres Hermès-Vermögen sei verschwunden

  1. Swiss courts going cosmic with “The ‘gigantic fraud’ to which he was victim was undetectable to common mortals.”

  2. Cue the world’s tiniest violin 🎻 Guess now he has to pull himself up by his bootstraps

  3. Well, he was gonna leave his fortune to his gardener anyway, he just ended up giving it to his money manager instead.

  4. ““The ‘gigantic fraud’ to which he was victim was undetectable to common mortals,””


  5. If you made a dollar every second,

    you would have one hundred dollars in under two minutes;

    one thousand dollars in under twenty minutes;

    one million dollars in about twelve days;

    one billion dollars would still take you more than THIRTY YEARS.

    And to keep going, if you got a dollar a second it would take over four hundred years to earn what he lost. Oh well.

  6. Oh, man. That’s harsh.

    Lucky for you, I’m one of the best detectives in the world for this type of thing. Certified, even. I can track down these people for you for only 10%. Up-front.

  7. Tip: apply and apply until you get a job. Try and try; I’m begging to work.

  8. I guess signing blank documents and handing over your bank accounts as well as making contracts where your financial advisor has sole power to make changes to your estate, may not be a great plan. Who knew?

  9. I’m not very sympathetic to billionaires but it seems fishy to me. Yeah, he gave his money manager access to and authority over his accounts, but something had to go wrong for billions of dollars to disappear over a couple decades. 

  10. Im sure he can pull himself up by his bootstraps and start all over again. He’s a billionaire, he has the smarts and gumption to pull it off, I believe in him /s

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