Best British food

Best British food

by peseoane

  1. Uhm… Do I lose my PIGS certificate if I admit that I would like to try this one out?

  2. Love ham egg and chips. My dad ordered it once in an Italian restaurant and they almost died

  3. Looks good. Definitely not something you’d order in a restaurant, but for a pub or a place without a real chef that’s good enough.

  4. Wouldn’t want to eat it every day but I fail to see what’s so bad about it. Its simple food like this that fuelled the industrial revolution.

  5. Why would anyone clown on this meal? At least pick something worth clowning on. It’s not like it’s in a Michelin restaurant, it’s just a normal pub. Probably a good price too.

    Looks great to me.

  6. It’s not even bad, what the fuck are you onto. I’ve had it many times and only 8/10 I had to throw up. Normally it’s a round 10/10, so actually fine.

  7. Love me a nice thick slab of grilled ham. Love me fried eggs with a runny yolk to dip me chips into. Love me cholesterol.

  8. Looks good honestly
    Simple but it does the job
    (Though the first guy seems to put too much salt on it)

  9. I have eaten Bácon, Huevos y Patatas Fritas in a Spanish restaurant, as part of a menu del dia. It’s not that dissimilar, Juanito.

  10. My dad was eating this while I was being born.

    Don’t knock it until you try it. It’s better than having a son

  11. That’s almost like one of the most iconic platos combinados that you can get in most restaurants or bars in Spain. Lomo o jamón, huevos y patatas, usually with peppers too.

  12. i mean….thats the kind of food you would get after a nasty hangover, i would demolish that plate

  13. “not a northern meal” what a load of shite. Fucking clown.

    Also this isn’t even that bad. It’s not the best food in the UK but this is a decent meal. Look at the surroundings. This isn’t a fucking michelin star resturaunt. This is a cheap cafe where you can get your fill. Plenty of those in spain, pedro.

  14. I mean, the guy who says “can’t go wrong” isn’t far off.

    this is a full mean of beautiful simplicity that is so astonishingly basic that it’s impossible to completely fuck up.

    So, as long as the egg is cooked and the chips are not cold you’ll have something that is at least edible and in many cases quite tasty.

  15. not a northern meal aye bollocks

    when i worked in a cafe in North Yorkshire – “Yorkshire ham”, egg and chips was the most popular dinner/tea meal by far

  16. Is there something wrong with simple comfort food you might get in a pub or make yourself after a long day? OP probably wasn’t counting on this sub being intelligent enough to appreciate this..

  17. That’s right food, PIGS approved. It’s not exactly high cooking, but for a pub meal or a trip lunch stop that meal is pretty decent.

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