Every time I walk across Hungerford Bridge I always check on the skateboard graveyard. Happy that little traditions keep going strong.

(Pls don't complain about the littering. Let these radical dudes gleam their cubes in peace.)

by disposableguy

  1. That’s funny as I walked across there today and clocked them too. Guess they are casualties of the skate park on Southbank.

  2. Iconic. Threw my skateboard on there once back in the 2000’s I like to see the tradition still going strong too.

  3. Theres a shopping trolley graveyard near my work.

    Seems the local youths take them into the footbridge and just chuck them into the undergrowth below. Must be 15 or so of them.

  4. There was a skate tradition in bristol in which you chucked your old shoes up a tree. A specific tree in college green. The council eventually cut them all down and it hasnt cone back 🙁

  5. Tribute to Timo, not littering. Love the Gleaming the Cube reference, but Thrashin’ was the better movie

  6. If anyone still skates, White Grounds is close and arguably better than Southbank.

    Hidden gem police pointed out when that trip hazard water feature was still active.

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