UK protests: Keir Starmer backs police to keep streets safe from ‘extremists’

UK protests: Keir Starmer backs police to keep streets safe from ‘extremists’

by topotaul

  1. Genuinely quite concerning the CyberTrolls are now out in force to act like the perpetrators of mass civil violence across the whole country resulting in dozens of police injuries and multiple innocent bystanders seriously injured are the real victims here.

  2. Unfortunately, this will lead to British police having more power against civilians, even if they’re peacefully protesting. Do the far-right protestors know they’re fighting for fewer rights?

  3. >”The police have the government’s “full support” to take action against “extremists” attempting to “sow hate”, the prime minister has said, following unrest in several cities across the UK.”

    How, Kier?

    What does this support look like?

    Are you going to legally lesson the threshold at which force can be used? Are you going to give the police money for police support units to immediately buy equipment for large scale violent disorder? Are you going to allow the use of water cannons / tear gas / pepperballs / AEP?

    Or is it just a boilerplate message which means nothing?

  4. They’re attacking mosques, they’re looting and burning local businesses.  Every video of a riot is just groups of pissed up men wrapped in Union Jack’s or George Crosses.  We can all see clearly what type of people these are.

  5. If this is to be done properly, “Tommy” Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon “Robinson”, absolutely needs to be chucked in a cell for life should his cowardly arse ever step foot off a plane and onto British soil again, and the same with any of the “big names” that’ve been stirring the pot over the past month. Prescribe the perpetrating groups as terrorist organisations while you’re at it Kier, put your foot down, otherwise this will simply keep happening.

  6. What police? They were defunded. What’s left told the government they won’t intervene at risk of being prosecuted and shamed in the media.

  7. I hope this applies to all sides. I’ve been seeing clips of groups of muslim anti-racism protesters wielding weapons and attacking any non-muslims in the streets (people not even part of the protests). This – of course – is getting brushed under the rug and the police don’t seem to be doing their job.

    In before anyone jumps on me for links, search around online and you’ll see. I’ll probably have my comment deleted since no-one seems to like looking at the big picture.

  8. Yes keep doubling down with the two tier policing, that’ll calm everyone down.

    Not very surprising that our politicians and many on this sub have shown more outrage over the protests than the stabbing of children.

  9. I just watched a video of a gang of these racist cunts mob a guy walking through the park because he was black. The cops had to swarm and form a barrier to keep them from beating his skull in. It’s disgusting and they need to be thrown in a cell for life. This shit needs to be dealt with harshly to put some fear of God in them.

  10. If they were kept safe from extremists in the first place citizens would not be protesting the murder of children by immigrants.

  11. These facists need locking up for a long time. There have been numerous racially motivated attacks on minorities such as [this]( and [this.]( Attacks on Mosques, the looting of shops (with many targeted at those owned by minorities), sacking and burning of cars, buildings and even police offices and the chanting of far right slogans and slurs. How long untilll some one is killed by one of these pogroms? The people saying “they have legitimate concerns” can fuck off, this is clearly racial hatred that they try to hide behind a mask of being anti migration

  12. If labour don’t do something to improve the lives of white working class British asap this will only get worse. Unfortunately, due to decades of failure of both labour and the conservatives, these people are so misinformed and thick that they can be easily manipulated into thinking all their problems are due to immigrants. And no, just giving them more benefits if they have lots of kids is not the answer.

  13. Turns out when the public vote at ballot box for reduced immigration and to control illegal immigration but get ignored over and over again for decades they get angry, wow, who would have guessed

    The will of the people could not have been expressed any clearer but politicians know better than the plebs I guess

  14. I wonder if the mods will allow a thread based on what’s happening in Stoke. I also noticed a recent absence of posts regarding what happened in Bradford and a Yorkshire the past few days as well. I get that there has been so many disgusting supremacists tarnishing this country’s name the past few days, as well as hate directed to Muslims, but the over-moderation just makes people feel validated in believing stories are being suppressed. There are real issues with the lack of assimilation and radicalization within immigrants and even second/third generations, even if the racist zealots are detracting from the potential for actual productive discourse on the matter

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