Tile stains in showers


I have some white stains on the tiles in my shower. I tried to remove them with Kalkreiniger and a baking soda paste, but I was not successful. Do you have any other ideas for products I could buy in Germany to remove these stains?

by vpperego

  1. Citric acid, will clean those stains off.. I just don’t know whether it will also damage the tiles. Maybe do one bit of a tile and wait 20 mins to see.

    The stains are limescale (a base). And baking soda is a base too – so it’s kinda useless for that task.

    You need acid. Hence the citric acid. Edeka sell a 250ml container for like 3 euro. I use it to ph balance water for watering my plants (0.5ml per 1 Litre by the way). And also a similar ratio for drinking because ph balanced water is nice

    Ive used a drop of it to clean the same marks away from my cats waterbowl. Was hyper effective.

  2. Well, I see mould between the tiles. So get a Schimmel-Entferner. I found the one from DM works pretty well.

  3. Vinegar cleaner (Essigreiniger) and cleaning brush (Reinigungsbürste) in combination with elbow grease.

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