We mean it.

We mean it.

Posted by earthman34

  1. So much money. There is a lot you could do with that much money. Holy fuck that’s a lot of money.

  2. ~50 long guns

    $500/long gun as a low estimate.

    That’s $25k in just the rifles.

    Pistols probably about there or higher.

    $50k in guns and they probably bitch about inflation making their grocery bill too high.

  3. It’s crazy that they oppose IVF because this is definitely proof that beta boy is shooting wads into her labia minora.

  4. Probably complains about the economy and how he couldn’t send his son to college. Yet he probably has over $30,000 worth of guns.

  5. I think what is sad about these people is many of them claim to be religious – predominantly Christian – so they most likely have heard parts of the Bible – I won’t claim they have read it – but what seems to not dawn on them is they have this disdain for life – they don’t seem to realize just how precious it is – how their time on this rock is but a spec in the overall plan. And they all drone on about the second coming but don’t seem to realize that wanting the end is sac religious – and they would be the ones to burn in hell based on the book they have been spoon fed.

  6. These are the same people complaining about gas prices being too high and not being able to afford groceries, right?

  7. Looks like he is compensating for something and maybe a little too much lead exposure.

  8. A cheap drone with a digital whoopie cushion would fill these descendants of Einstein’s pants with diarrhea.

  9. Why in the hell do you need that many weapons? Wtf are they so afraid of? Is that supp to make them tough against the government or something? Bc if the government really wanted you they would get you and your guns all at once with their tanks and other toys. So? Dafuq is all of this for?

  10. god this image always bugs the shit out of me. when i did my gun saftey training i was told to always treat a gun as if it was loaded and never point it at anyone. meanwhile heres this image.

  11. They need to sell a couple of those guns and replace that porch, or at least paint it.

  12. So the us government will take 3 seconds to dispose of this guy instead of one but he showed them dagnammut

  13. We won’t stop calling you guys weird because your behavior is truly weird. Stop acting like weirdos.

  14. Yo, I did shit like this with my nerf guns when I was like 7, but realized it was weird by the time I was 8. These people

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