Drone footage claimed to show a Russian soldier walking a few steps behind his comrade before shooting him in the back, filmed by the aerial reconnaissance of the 135th Battalion of the 114th Territorial Defense Brigade

Drone footage claimed to show a Russian soldier walking a few steps behind his comrade before shooting him in the back, filmed by the aerial reconnaissance of the 135th Battalion of the 114th Territorial Defense Brigade

by CupCharacter853

  1. They kill each other tons. There was a big interview just recently with a deserted, executions are rampant. This one is a different, they usually do it in the back of their positions not on some random road. As to it being a POW, it’s not.

  2. I wish the drone went in for a close up to make sure this wasn’t another war crime.

  3. He said fuck this assault. He just wanted to go back to his hole in the ground, drink some dirty sock water and regale his teammates about how his buddy vlad got taken out by the Ukrainians

  4. Don’t think that’s how that went down….
    Judging by they reaction they got into contact and the first guy got smoked cause he was to lazy to go prone for cover.

  5. 0:16 seconds into the video a rifle is visible next to his hand or his hand could even be on it. I wonder if the guy didn’t just stop, crouch down, and shoot himself. More of the smoke seems to be around the guy in the front, not the guy in the back.

  6. Too grainy to see anything…. Can’t see anything indicating a weapon on the first one (not the one in the back either), but he looks like he drops to his knees and then gets shot in the back.. I don’t know of any military tactics where hitting the ground with both your knees is a logical choice? Feels almost like en execution, brought up “close” the Ukrainian lines, expecting it to be seen by drones maybe? I hope I’m wrong but that’s my first gut feeling when watching the video. Also, I’m on the phone so it’s super small as is

  7. “Hey Ivan, looks like that drone is targeting you. Let me help you take evasive action”

  8. Hopefully the guy who did the shooting was just clearing his way to surrender. I want to live!

  9. Possible that they were sent out to probe enemy locations (or die trying), and this particular Vlad decided discretion was the better part of Valor, and so chose to return early (and also, alive), reporting that he heroically survived a sniper attack.

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