Donald “Grab ‘em By The Pussy” Trump Says “Nobody’s Ever Called Me Weird”

Donald “Grab ‘em By The Pussy” Trump Says “Nobody’s Ever Called Me Weird”

Donald “Grab ‘em By The Pussy” Trump Says “Nobody’s Ever Called Me Weird”

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. They called him a fraud, rapist, narcissist, conman and grifter …. I’d take weird if I were him.

  2. Ah, yes, the “Grab ’em by the pussy” comment which was on record (recorded) before he even entered the race back in 2016.

    . . . “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

    Truthfully, that comment right there should have taken him out of running. However, I do know the way it was sold to conservatives was as, “This was just manly/ locker room talk” and thus not a big deal.

    Like pretty much anyone with critical thinking skills, I’m flabbergasted why anyone would want to pander to this man, whether he is running for POTUS or not. You keep dancing with the devil and you are going to get burned.

  3. No, because he put his hand over their mouths when he was raping them on Epstein’s island.

  4. Donald “If she wasn’t my daughter I’d be dating her” Trump Says “Nobody’s Ever Called Me Weird”.

    And actually they did.

  5. Being child rape buddies with Epstein is super weird. We’re all calling you weird, Donald. Maybe Fox News isn’t but everyone else is. You’re just not hearing it.

  6. Let’s see, tiny hands, orange, pervert, con man, felon… If I were him, I’d take weird as a compliment.

  7. So if sexual assault, Trump attitude towards women, Republican attitude towards women, or he claims to love women etc, should Kamala pull out his “Grab’em by the pussy” quote?

  8. People should start digging up all the weird shit he’d done whenever his weirdness comes up.

    Like, remember when he posted a clip of him doing wrestling moves on the CNN logo after he called them ” fake news”…?

    Pretty fucking weird.

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