„Hören Sie auf, mich zu verarschen“: Biden soll Netanjahu bei einem Gespräch über Waffenstillstands- und Geiselnahme-Abkommen zurechtweisen

„Hören Sie auf, mich zu verarschen“: Biden soll Netanjahu bei einem Gespräch über Waffenstillstands- und Geiselnahme-Abkommen zurechtweisen


  1. Maybe he should go talk to terrorists and see how reasonable they are. I don’t remember any ceasefire talks between Al qaeda or isis with American officials

  2. This leak is pretty convenient. Makes Democrats in America feel like Biden is holding Netanyahu accountable and makes Netanyahu’s right wing supporters think that he is strong standing up to Biden.

    Everyone wins!

  3. Biden should impose sanctions on Israel if he’s fed up with Netanyahu’s bullshit. And make weapons sales conditional, and recognize Palestine. At this point, why the hell not? He’s got one foot out the door already, might as well grow a pair for old times sake.

  4. The author tried really hard to make the picture and the tittle look like they’re fighting lol.

  5. If a phone call between 2 world leaders gets leaked, it’s on purpose…and not a leak

  6. I’m not a fan of Netanyahu but this situation highlights the decline of American influence around the world, much of which has basically been self-inflicted.

    > Citing an unnamed US official, the newspaper said Biden also argued that the operation could spark a regional war.

    How can people in Washington DC not see that it already *is* a regional war?

    The foreign policy of the US in recent history (across both Democrat and Republican administrations) has assumed that you can effectively placate bad actors like Iran, Russia, China and North Korea that they are a nuisance, not a real threat.

    Instead of having the intended effect, they have been emboldened and discovered that they can wage war on the American-led Western order using economic warfare, propaganda/disinformation/manipulation campaigns, proxy groups, grey zone tactics, etc.

    When will we wake up and accept this?

    And let’s not forget we have a presidential candidate who publicly questions NATO and has basically suggested a paid protection racket for countries like Taiwan.

    Unless the US changes course, we had better get used to allies and friendly nations going their own way.

  7. Biden is willing for Netanyahu to surrender the entire state of Israel to Hamas if it happens before the DNC

  8. Dark Brandon hands out ducks and destroys malarkey, and he is all out of ducks to give. He is approaching his final form.

  9. >The statement claimed that the premier “does not intervene in American politics and will work with whoever is elected president, and expects the Americans to also not intervene in Israeli politics.”

    Stop taking our money then.

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