Ukrainian Army soldier holds an old bayonet from a Russian Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle: recently dug up in a trench in eastern Ukraine.

by BostonLesbian

  1. Pretty good chance they building trenches where there was war fought before. High ground is high ground …

  2. Y’know, I’m sure they still have plenty of AKs… This is probably due to their own crap logisitcs.

  3. Hopefully,that soldier can get back home safely so he can put that in a frame or see if a museum might want it.

  4. i guess fall blau remnants, a campaign in another idiotic war that took place in and around that region.

    it has been a battlefield in many other idiotic wars.

    gues if you dig half a meter deeper you probably find some muskets, 50 cm lower arrows and swords, etc. region has been contested by many violent idots during its history.

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