Ivan, 24, Overcomes Two Clinical Deaths, 30 Surgeries, Months on a Ventilator: A Miraculous Recovery by Doctors Who Refused to Give Up

Ivan, 24, Overcomes Two Clinical Deaths, 30 Surgeries, Months on a Ventilator: A Miraculous Recovery by Doctors Who Refused to Give Up

by Lysychka-

  1. Burned hands, torso, face, head and lower limbs burned to the bone, fractures of the skull and base of the skull, jaw fracture, penetrating abdominal wound, shrapnel in the pelvis…and then prolonged coma, two cardiac arrests, over 30 surgeries, up to 100 anesthesias to overcome unbearable pain, removal of an eye and amputation of fingers on the left hand, threat of amputation of the left arm and right leg, 4 months in intensive care, two of which on a ventilator. Liters of transfused blood…This is what gunner-operator, Senior Soldier Ivan Dykun, 24, had to endure after his vehicle was hit by russian literally.  

    “That day, January 27, was my birthday,” says his sister Viktoria. “Ivan returned from a combat mission, called home, and wished me happy birthday. After that, as we later learned, he volunteered to go into battle again. We found out about Ivan’s injury from the unit commander, who called and said that my brother was in intensive care in a critical condition.

    According to his sister, doctors gave minimal chances of survival. 

    Upon arrival at the hospital, the young man was in a medically induced coma. 

    The first dressings for Ivan took up to 2 hours, performed by 3 surgical teams. The prognosis for survival was pessimistic. At the same time, doctors did not lose hope for Ivan’s recovery and did everything possible. For about two months, the defender was connected to a ventilator. During the same time, doctors fed him through a tube and administered appropriate medications intravenously.

    Several times, the young man was on the verge of life, his condition deteriorated to critical. He underwent two clinical deaths; during one of them, doctors performed defibrillation five times. 

    “Today, our Ivan talks, he has regained all skills, he has even started to stand on the leg that was badly burned,” say his mother Inna and sister Viktoria. “Yes, it’s hard; we are learning to sit, walk, but compared to the state five months ago, we see huge progress.”

    Ivan began to speak, smile, and respond to questions. 

    “The doctors performed a miracle. We even refused the offer from the command to go for treatment abroad because we saw enormous progress here. We are eternally grateful to these people,” says the mother of the saved young man.


  2. It wasn’t his time yet. Hoping this warfighter recovers as much as possible with no setbacks.

  3. Ivan, and his family, embody what Churchill meant when he said “if you are going through hell, keep going”. I hope that Ivan continues to heal and grow stronger every day.

    The skills of the Ukrainian medical teams have been honed through necessity amid relentless need because of the actions of a despotic enemy . I cannot imagine the vicarious trauma they each experience. I hope that when victory and peace come to Ukraine they will be able to share their skills, experience and be truly vaunted for their heroic efforts.

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