Pastor Who Says Dems Are Bringing Another Sodom And Gomorrah Gets Busted In Sex Trafficking Sting – Joe.My.God.

Pastor Who Says Dems Are Bringing Another Sodom And Gomorrah Gets Busted In Sex Trafficking Sting – Joe.My.God.

Pastor Who Says Dems Are Bringing Another Sodom And Gomorrah Gets Busted In Sex Trafficking Sting

Posted by DanielTheEunuch

  1. And yet some people are surprised that Grindr crashed in Milwaukee the week the ‘homophobes’ were in town for their convention. If you haven’t figured out these people yet you are behind the curve.

  2. Said it so many times on here… it’s always projection 101 with these clowns. Fake christians and maga cult members…

  3. If these weirdo perverts couldn’t project their perversion off on others, they combust and die

  4. It’s always the ones who are screaming about how immoral or vile something is. SMH.

  5. Can we get an official count now of every recent Republican who has been convicted of sex crimes? It’s getting hard to keep a track of all of these chomos

  6. No one is shocked right? It has become so par for the course… btw: your church should pay taxes…POS

  7. Scrutinize the scrutinizers. He who calls their neighbour foul is more oft than not guilty of far worse transgressions.

  8. He’s not alone. Religious groups are the biggest pedophiles, rapist, sexual predators. Just because they say they believe in god doesn’t mean anything. Look at all the massive amount of cases around the world. Just start in one category PRIESTS. They torture and mutilate their infant male children by forced circumcision in the most barbaric manner. All to control sexual pleasure. For some antiquated ritual sacrifice as if god would send a perfect male infant to then have him tortured by forced circumcision. His first PTSD on this earth So much evil. Look at the MAGA Christians. Sold their soul to the modern day devil traitor trump.

  9. >We’re living in a place that’s bringing down the same thing that happened in Sodom and Gomorrah!
    We have legalized it!

    Problem is, we havent legalized it. Or he wouldn’t have been arrested.

  10. So the guy running a sex trafficking ring tells you the swine he rolls in the mud with…?

  11. I still remember Jimmy Swiggert’s tear stained face when he was caught in his sex scandal.

    And let’s not forget Jim and Tammy Baker. He was boffing his buxomous secretary, Jessica Hahn, while Tammy was doing every legal drug known to man.

  12. Who can say they are shocked or surprised at this predictable projection at this point.

  13. Sociopaths gonna sociopath. Religion is the easiest way to manipulate victims because they already believe magic Jesus was real.

  14. Shocking lmfao this happens daily. GOP are really all fukt in their brains. But don’t call them Weirdos it’s actually the dems that are weird. They should learn to keep their mouth shut. Don’t throw stones when live in glass house.

  15. LMAO. Another pedo christian who also doesn’t know his bible.

    The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with sex. It was being inhospitable.

  16. And let me tell you how it’s the democrats fault I raped this little girl…

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