Supermarket on fire, spreading upwards towards apartments on Donegal Sq

Supermarket on fire, spreading upwards towards apartments on Donegal Sq

by hilly77

  1. So far between all these stupid “protests” in the UK I’ve seen a cafe, a citizens advice bureau (a charity), and now a supermarket set on fire. Plus various incidents of other shops being looted.

    Can’t wait for these knuckle dragging troglodytes to get lengthy sentences like the just stop oil lot…right? After all if inconveniencing folk on a road gets you multiple years I assume people literally burning places down are looking at double figures?

    Edit: to clarify not all happened in NI. A lot of city subs from around the UK pop up in my feed and it seems to be happening everywhere.

  2. There’s literally the light of a telly in the first floor flat. There could be anyone in there, they don’t give a fuck. Never be deluded that these people are monsters, there’s no political point, there’s no concern about their community. Absolutely horrendous to see this in this day and age, I’m gutted.

  3. I live in the building and had to be evacuated – there’s like 50 flats in this building and they literally tried to murder everyone in it because they don’t like some people running their own businesses and working hard?

    The guys who run the shops on the lower deck are all really nice guys and I frequent their shops often – disgusting little fuckers need to caught and have the book thrown at them

  4. This is domestic terrorism. They also pulled out people hiding in a barbers near by then attempted to set it on fire earlier.

  5. Racist fucks. The irony is they’ll all head to turkey to get their hair and teeth done and fly to Benidorm and think everyone is their mate

  6. Will these scum get the people who’s apartments are damaged a new place to stay or pay for the damage costs ?? The same scum who love to go on about the homeless problems ?? The same scum who will just walk by them on the street & wouldn’t even give them the time of day

  7. Let’s hope Keir Starmer deals with these cretins as quickly as he did during the 2011 London riots and they can swiftly go from unemployed -> locked up and unemployable.

  8. I think it needs to be very clear that everyone needs to oppose this sooner rather than later, on the streets. Not just lefties and anti-racist groups but whole communities need to stand together against what is festering. Otherwise like a cancer it will quietly spread around our society and in a few months or years we will be questioning how did it get to this point

  9. Taxi driver said earlier, the shop owners through a glass out towards the crowd first(these shop owners have been there peacefully before now)… I don’t say this in defence, but just saying for what’s being spoke about on the streets.

  10. Absolutely raging at this, reminds me of the same so called loyalists burning out my area in East Belfast during Drumcree, supposedly protecting us against short strand!

  11. Very upsetting and depressing scenes.

    More needs to be done to tackle social media influencers/ trolls and bots of a particular origin who seem determined to heighten division and foment unrest.

    The people behind the above are a very small minority. The majority will likely be looking upon these scenes and the aftermath tomorrow with disbelief, shock and embarrassment.

    The area above was largely a neglected and forgotten wilderness of boarded up shops and vacant units .
    Rapidly sinking into marked dilapidation before those businesses moved in and added a bit of life and colour to the place.

    Sad scenes.

  12. What the fuck is this! This is no different to sectarian shoot ups that used to happen here. Straight up terrorism.

  13. CUNTS. This is attempted murder. Time for the law & enforcement to take the gloves off. Hardworking, honest people need to feel safe in their businesses and homes, not feel threatened by dimwitted racists and fascists. Name and shame the scum, cut their benefits, lock them up for a long time, none of this slap on the wrist shite.

  14. I bought stuff there once and the keeper girl gave me an off label discount just because I had a chat with her. Bruh

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