Ukrainian Air Force successfully destroyed the S-400 air defense system of the Russian occupation army with HARMs while flying a damaged MiG-29

The Ukrainian pilot 'Jef' successfully destroyed the S-400 air defense system of the Russian occupation army while flying a downed MiG-29 fighter armed with AGM-88 HARM missiles, showcasing high professionalism and courage amidst intensified hostilities.

by herrera_law

  1. S-400 can’t get rid of a MiG freaking 29… Wasn’t this the “F-35 killer”?

  2. Confusing article. So the pilot is OK or behind enemy lines? 26km from Donetsk could be UA or RU controlled.

  3. S-400 is a total marketing disaster for Russia. Nobody is going to buy it anymore and Russia”s manufacturing them is probably now very difficult. We can just imagine if the fighter was f-35 or F15-EX or Rafale or Grippen with better radar and electronics.

    AGM-88 HARM has a range of 300 kilometers.

    Ukraine is doing with limited capabilities what NATO can do 1000 times better…

  4. In a mig 29 with a jury rigged HARM?
    They can’t use that missile to full effect in that plane. If they only had some Western jets like F16’s then they’d be able too….Russia might be looking for some new radar operators in the very near future

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