Is this even real?

Hello everyone. I come across such posts on daily basis from different different agents. I wanted to know how true is this? Or is it just another money making scheme?
My brother is a RN (non-EU with non -EU degree). He is currently learning German and is at level B2.

If it's true indeed, can anyone guide me with the process of it?
Thanks 🙂

by prometheusx777

  1. Those amounts are undoubtedly before social contributions and taxes. As to whether flights, etc. would be paid for, no idea. It would be helpful if you posted a link to the ad/company rather than just what they claim to provide.

  2. I think its true. But keep in mind that we have a housing crisis and rent is probably not very cheap. And at this kind of work there is probably alot of stress and hard work because of understaffed work places (in this field).

    My wife works in this field (not nursing, has different tasks there – but works in one of these institutions) so i hear some things about nursing in germany.

  3. Also, if this is real, can anyone guide me or just tell me what is that training period (for 3 months) called where you train, earn and learn German language at B2? What exams you are supposed to pass to be fully registered? Also, whom to contact for such jobs? I don’t really want to pay agents here in my country. I’m okay with paying someone in Germany if required and is genuine..

  4. You will no be a RN, rather a low-educated assistant. Most likely they are employed in private households on rota-shifts (like 2 weeks to 1 months on for 24hrs/ then off time). It’s a physically very demanding job. I would check the conditions of employment thoroughly.

    Also Germany is big and housing prices can eat up much from your salary. The cost of living must not be understated either.

    B2 is really not enough if you want to communicate properly. I think it just the lowest legal standard they have to have.

  5. In general this could be real as there is a crisis in health sector and wages are not unrealistic before taxes etc. BUT: for all we know this could also be the worst of people promising something, but then taking your passport and force you into the worst (aka human trafficking)

    Find all info on nursing opportunities directly from the government here:

    Maybe you can also contact them and ask if an agency in your country is legit or not.

  6. I don’t think it’s fundamentally false what’s advertised here. HOWEVER, the salary is probably before taxes, and what you will get in your bank account is 60% or 70% of what is written here. From that money you need to pay rent, food, etc. You will not have a lot money left. If they will pay you during training & language course: probably, yes. Unsure how much. And please don’t underestimate the language requirements: getting to B2 is not simple. It requires dedication, a lot of study, and a lot of time. Many people struggle with it, most never make it past A2.

  7. You didn’t provide any links for fact checking this, so we can’t really do it, but please keep an eye open on hidden gotchas, like when they ask you for your passport and want to keep it safe for you… or front-up payments.

    Yes, health care workers are needed. Yes, you need good German. No, getting to B2 in 3 months is not realistic, maybe they mean it as a requirement? But that’s e.g. one if the things we cannot fact check if we just have a screenshot of the advert.

  8. Completely normal. They get you in if you have a degree, you have to work/school for 3-4 months then you have to take an examination. If you are successful you can work as a nurse.
    Won’t be easy with the language skills but it is possible since there is dire need of health care workers.

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