Huge crowds return to Venezuela’s streets to protest against Maduro: Tens of thousands gather in Caracas defying crackdown by president to hear speech by María Corina Machado

Huge crowds return to Venezuela’s streets to protest against Maduro: Tens of thousands gather in Caracas defying crackdown by president to hear speech by María Corina Machado

Posted by StopAntisemitism2015

  1. Hmm, Machado seems to be an insufferable conservative who wants back the economic situation if Venezuela of pre-Chavez times, so basically monopolies controlling Venezuela, because these were the times when her daddy owned the countries biggest steel producing corporation. In the economic sense she even checks some boxes to count as fascist.

  2. u/xarsha_93 Lula, Petro and AMLO are literally friends of Maduro…their PR shows are only done to make the world happy.

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