US Immigration: What’s behind Friendship Park? | DW News

US Immigration: What’s behind Friendship Park? | DW News

Have you heard of Friendship Park on the US-Mexico border? Despite its name, the park has little to do with actual friendship. It was somewhere where people from both countries could meet. Now, the US side of the park is dominated by bigger and stronger fences to prevent undocumented immigration. And all this started long before Donald Trump became US president.


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#USA #Mexico #BorderWall

  1. Wrong. European and british billionaires that were made by and work for their respective countries intel agencies have bought and paid for as well as blackmailed almost all US politicians. They then force them to allow full immigration in order to destabilize the US economy and society so they can attempt to break US citizens resolve for sovereignty and personal freedom through creating civil unrest and then come in with a hegelian solution called world/UN government as well as the world currency that will be controlled with social credit scores, etc. You see, when you're a euro totalitarian elitist running a totalitarian euro country it is very hard to keep totalitarian control when your population keeps looking to the US and seeing how much we are winning, so they relent. This costs them a lot of money and power. They do not like that so crushing the US is their top priority. They cannot fight us on a battlefield so they have been chipping away at this from the inside for 60+ years. Remember Jeffrey Epstein?

  2. Damn DW, what a crappy piece of journalism. Nicely explaining 1/1000 of real story…shame on you, I thought you were better than this…guess not.😢

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