Lazy Sunday – Will you be working, resting or playing today? Tell us here!

Lazy Sunday – Will you be working, resting or playing today? Tell us here!

by KevinPhillips-Bong

  1. Just waiting for swinley forest car park to open and get on the mountain bike! Happy Sunday peeps 🤙🏼

  2. Currently out on the beach with the dog as missus and sprog have gone to brands hatch to watch her brother race his mini miglia , gonna go home cook a breakfast maybe do some VR flight SIM stuff then chill out with the olympics

  3. I’m awake and it’s too early but I can’t get back to sleep. Taking the kids to slip n slide later on

  4. In bed but will doing DIY with small wood framed annex on my garage, building gate out of racking sections to block of project cars from sons football, and car DIY stuff. Prefer being busy! I can laze when it’s dark.

  5. Today I will be lazing around in my underwear, watching some terrible tv and eating bad food while my husband goes out to play golf this morning and then to his friends later.

    Day of house to myself and nothing to do. Perfect.

  6. Sitting in the garden having my first coffee of the day, then off to the gym. Might go watch a movie at the cinema in the afternoon. Then home do laundry, clean and chill rest of the evening.

  7. I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old, I no longer know what a lazy Sunday is.

  8. Aiming for an actual rest today in my mission to make it to the GP opening on Monday so I can get them to deal with the green slime I have been coughing up since yesterday. Yesterday I was resting “except for going to sort my cars MOT” which then expanded to “well while I’m here I’ll pop round the corner and do the food shop” and “oh I’ll just do a quick tidy round while I’m putting the shopping away”. Etc. Etc.

    Youngest wants to play animal crossing today (we have our switch hooked up to the big TV for the kids to play) so that might be a nice way to spend some of the day.

  9. Running my first half marathon this morning. Or, trying to, had to take 3 weeks off from training due to injury at the start of the month, and then got some kind of COVID-like bug, so I’ve hardly run at all recently.

  10. I’ve been learning to code so I’m going to spend a chunk of the day learning. I enjoy it and haven’t had time to pursue it this past week. I’ll get a few good walks in with the dog for good measure. So, it’ll be a chill day. Have a good one, everybody.

  11. I will be fitting fly/pet screens to our bedroom windows so, if the hot weather returns, we can have fresh air in which to sleep.

  12. Lazy Sunday is extra lazy this week, I’ve got my annual 2 week holiday to coincide with the kiddos six weeks break so I’m enjoying this weekend and then we’re busy creating memories over the next few weeks, kicking off with a trip to the beach for photography and ice cream tomorrow.

  13. The fact I’ve been up since 6:30 makes it a much less lazy Sunday than I would like. But I’ll be faffing with my 3D printer later today so that’s my day.

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