Ukraian drones of 1 assault batalion 92 assault brigade destroyig buildings with russians

Ukraian drones of 1 assault batalion 92 assault brigade destroyig buildings with russians

by Creepy_Jeweler_1351

  1. That’s one way to bring down a building. Was hoping to catch the reaction of Orcs right before detonation. One could dream.

  2. makes me wonder how they source explosives…


    I’m sure that the UA military has sources of explosive to use in these ops, i also know they’ve had to resort to some kind of HME as well at times.

  3. That blue shed is how I expect my presents to be opened in front of me . Magical explosion revealing my gift . Couple dead Russians is a good gift

  4. Anyone know the purpose of those coiled wires in front of the drone cameras? Are they open circuits that close on impact causing the bomb to go off? Is this a dumb question?

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