Péter Szijjártó: The decision in Kyiv to stop Lukoil shipments to Hungary and Slovakia was likely coordinated in Brussels as “they cannot stand it that Hungary has not backed down under pressure”

Péter Szijjártó: The decision in Kyiv to stop Lukoil shipments to Hungary and Slovakia was likely coordinated in Brussels as “they cannot stand it that Hungary has not backed down under pressure”

Possible Ukraine oil embargo ‘managed from Brussels’, says Orbán’s minister

by OddAioli6993

  1. What he’s saying is that Hungary backed themselves into a corner, and are now refusing to leave the said corner after EU showing them which way is the way out of the beforementioned corner. All because they don’t like to be ”told to what to do”.

  2. Peti bácsi, hogy mondják magyarul FAFO?

    (*Uncle Pete, how does one say FAFO in Hungarian?*)

  3. Peter Szijjarto is gaslighting the fuck out of Hungarian and Slovakian people in order to please his Russian petrochemical oligarch masters.

    Why the fuck would Ukraine continue helping Russian invaders sell oil, just to please the two EU countries which still support Russian imperialist ambitions?

    Hungary has an off-ramp from buying Russian oil through Ukrainian pipelines.

    Neighboring Croatia has offered to ship oil to Hungary through their Adriatic pipeline.

    But that would not be Lukoil directly from Russia, so Hungary is pretending Croatia would be a less reliable partner than warring Ukraine/Russia. Which is an insane position to take.

  4. Kick Hungary out of Schengen right now. Don’t give them time to spit their russian-fed lies why they act the way they do. Kick them out and cut all the funding.

  5. As I said yesterday:

    Orban will blame the EU for absolutely anything. Give them another week somehow gay people will be dragged into this too.

  6. Minister Petike always talks nonsense, always what their stupid voters want to hear.

    Not to be taken seriously, he spoke at a Fidesz event in front of a Fidesz audience.

    Minister Petike is a clown.

  7. >The decision in Kyiv to stop Lukoil shipments to Hungary and Slovakia was likely coordinated in Brussels as “they cannot stand it that Hungary has not backed down under pressure”, Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister, said on Saturday.

    >Addressing a Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) event in Esztergom, the minister said that the European Union had “weakened a lot”, but “it is surely not so weak as to tolerate a candidate country taking a decision without any consultation”, threatening the security of the energy supply of two EU member states.

    >He noted Ukraine’s action affected a third of Hungarian crude oil imports and 40-45 percent of Slovak imports, “a significant energy supply risk”.

    >Further, Croatia was abusing its position by “hiking transit fees several times over” and limiting Hungary to short-term contracts, he added.

  8. I love these moments when someone, in this case Ukraine, finally stands up to the bully.

    *Just deserts.*

  9. Ukraine is coordinated by Brussels which is ruled by Soros who is controlled by the aliens.

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