The Real Reason Trump And His MAGA Allies Fear Kamala Harris

The Real Reason Trump And His MAGA Allies Fear Kamala Harris

The Real Reason Trump And His MAGA Allies Fear Kamala Harris

Posted by newsjam

  1. ♬Come mothers and fathers throughout the land

    And don’t criticize what you can’t understand

    Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command

    Your old road is rapidly agin’

    Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand

    For the times, they are a-changin’♬

  2. My guess is that is because she is a smart, funny, black woman, and she’s not weird

  3. If any Trumpets come in here, I have a real question.
    Sincerely, why would trump not want fact checking at a debate? What’s wrong with having facts presented in a debate where democracy and the future of our country is on the line?

  4. I clicked on that link and was surprised to find that it didn’t simply read “Because they’re pathetic pussies.”

  5. Trump is just smart enough to know he isn’t very smart. That’s actually a good quality, but it’s difficult to maintain the facade.. we saw it against Clinton when he fought policy with ad hominem attacks and won through a cult of personality. Now he has a track record as president with facts and figures which seem either beyond his ability to understand, or so far outside his interest that he simply cannot be bothered… Harris will destroy him in any debate on facts. On numbers. On poise. On dignity.
    That’s gotta be scary for a weird old dude

  6. Fascism 101 is repeat repeat the lie

    It’s the MO of his alternative fact

    It’s insane.

    We don’t accept facts so we make them up

  7. Benjamin Franklin simply could not imagine that we actually elected someone like Trump AND that some Americans are thinking of electing him again – so he can avoid jail. 🤯

  8. Truth & Facts are a conman’s enemy, and a former prosecutor has seen every angle of BS before, giving them ability to use logic, reason & facts where a conman can’t.

  9. Trump fears her because she’s smarter than him, meaner than him, and knows exactly how to take his bullshit apart because she’s dealt with it in the courtroom her whole career.

    She also highlights one of the greatest weaknesses he has with his paper tough guy act: he’s old af and rambles a lot. They know if he’s put on stage next to her he’ll look like the incoherent, babbling mess that he is.

  10. We saw what happens when Trump has legitimate journalists asking serious questions at the conference of black journalists. He doesn’t want any pushback. He wants journalists that will let his lies and delusion slide. He seems to think that because he says it it should be true, and he wants people around him that agree with that.

  11. The reason is simple.they fear the debate.She is far more intelligent and witty.

  12. DonOld and his weird sidekick are weak and totally Ill equipped to lead this country. Time is passing them by. This is terrifying them.

  13. I would argue that we don’t need a fact checker.

    Just ask trump legit questions and ask for specifics. He doesn’t have the knowledge to back it up. He will devolve into rambling and embarrass himself soon enough.

    Amazing how presidential debates can be shittier than high school level debates.

  14. First he’s afraid she will make him look like the fool he is second he believes women are inferior and his misogynistic ego could not handle losing to a woman especially one of color.

  15. If Kamala would try to lie like Trumpty dumpty for 90 minutes her head would burst into flames.🤯

  16. I would agree to fact checking. Why should he be afraid of the Border Czar?

  17. They’re losing it. What do we do about them firing back. Oh that’s right we’re not WEIRD they are. Uh yeah got um. Fukin childish Dummies and Weirdos every last one lol. They should’ve known long ago to pull out some middle school insults. They’ve worked better than could’ve ever imagined

  18. This is a good article. To sum, the idea to racist and misogynistic trump being beaten/ by a black woman is more than humiliating, it’s unimaginable. 

  19. My cousin is a big Trumper/Magette and we’re from the little island of Guam. MAGA is not for people of color. We’re bottom tier in their eye.

  20. The Felon has a very limited and rigid worldview when it comes to women and people of color. When he runs into someone who refuses to allow those views to be imposed on them (Pelosi, Harris), it really gets under his skin.

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