The suburb of Budapest has built a luxurious kindergarten that suspiciously looks like a private residence – with €550K of EU money. It doesn’t accept any children.

The suburb of Budapest has built a luxurious kindergarten that suspiciously looks like a private residence – with €550K of EU money. It doesn’t accept any children.

by GPwat

  1. [](

    OLAF investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within the European institutions, and develops anti-fraud policy for the European Commission.

    **OLAF can investigate allegations of:**

    – fraud or other serious irregularities with a potentially negative impact for EU public funds, whether EU revenue, expenditure or assets held by the EU institutions.

    – serious misconduct by Members or staff of EU Institutions and bodies.

    This sounds like misuse of EU funds.

  2. I never imagined visible signs of corruption within EU. There are high level corruption sure but its not blatantly in the face like this if its true.

  3. It’s OK, you can dissipate now, go away please, nothing to see here! It’s just a kindergarten for 1-2 kids.

  4. So other Eu countries’ tax payer money, is being wasted on nothing by some corrupt Hungarian bastard politicians? Who would have thought…

  5. Reminds me of that tree walkway which they constructed and chop down the forest around it. Hungarian officials are using EU money like their personal slush fund.

  6. Hadházy tries his best to uncover all these stuff.

    Hevis more like how we see things than Victor Orban.

    Thank you Hadházy!

  7. Wow I thought we were the only ones skimming funds from EU with businesses made by in-laws and whatever.

    But this is a whole other level of brazen.

    These guys have got no fucking shame 😳

  8. Just Google what has been built in the birth village of orban. A stadium of that size is not compatible with the size of the village. I can only assume there are many more…

  9. So it’s not only Greece that’s doing that shit. Lets compare numbers of frauds and money ripped off the EU and see who wins!


    (ps. I’m Greek)

  10. If only this was the only one there are hundreds of these if not thousands, probably like a billion euro combined.

  11. So… Is there any way to persecute and punish those responsible for money defraudation or this will be just widely known and nothing will happen?

  12. Please follow this. But in the end no one will be punished for this because politicians can always withdraw responsibility.

  13. Anywhere we see Russia or China getting cozy, look for corruption, and you will find it in droves

  14. This is disgusting. I can’t believe there are senior public officials that exist in the EU in 2024 that think this is acceptable.

  15. Hungary please give us back the billions of EU aid since 2005 

    Then keep your little medieval corrupt country out of the EU 
     and go partner up with Serbia and Russia for all we care.

    Kind regard from the Benelux

  16. I live in this area and similar kindergartens funded by EU money are common and completely legit. This does look a bit more luxurious but not that out of place. I believe it will look more like a kindergarten once it begins to operate. It was recently built that’s why it doesn’t accept children, also it will only accept locals and will be difficult to get into. I am actually surprised how cheap it is.

  17. Hungary has nothing to do in the EU…doesnt bring anything, does not share the West values, and sides with Putin

  18. They have been enjoying the luxury life using private jets, business class or german luxury cars. Thank you EU to support these hungarian families and kids!

  19. The EU should be the one spending the money inside the countries that revieve it to ensure it is spend well, Hungary is not the only bottomless pit in Europe.

  20. Can we spell or penalize Hungary from being in the EU?

    The entire country is a liability.

  21. Corruption like this have been almost a daily thing for 10+ years why everyone is so surprised 😅

  22. How to cause the downfall of the biggest economic union in the world:

    Step 1: Be part of it.
    Step 2: Take money for projects.
    Step 3: Waste that money on a mansion.
    Step 4: Lose your sanity.
    Step 5: Eventually get invaded by Russia because you’re next with Poland if Ukraine falls because of people like you.

    Brilliant plan, ese.

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