Selenskyj fordert Partner auf, „wirklich weitreichende Angriffe“ mit westlichen Waffen auf russische Flugplätze zuzulassen

Selenskyj fordert Partner auf, „wirklich weitreichende Angriffe“ mit westlichen Waffen auf russische Flugplätze zuzulassen

Zelenskyy urges partners to allow “truly long-range strikes” on Russian airfields with Western weapons

  1. I see nothing wrong with this request from Zelenskyy. He is seeking permission to attack valid military targets whereas Putin is using the base to attack non-military civilian targets like cities and civilians.

    Otherwise, Ukraine will be forced to fight with handicap unable to silence terror weapons against its people.

  2. At this point Ukraine should just try making long range missiles on its own considering western nations are not budging on this.

  3. Pretty soon Ukraine will have its own native capability as they appear to be modifying Neptune missiles into long distance cruise missiles.

    We should still give them permission in the mean time. Putin’s nuclear threats have proven empty time and time again. Ukraine should be able to take out every ammo depot, every airfield, and every plane that terrorizes them.

  4. Ukraine is not doing „strikes“, Ukraine is simply defending and fighting for it‘s survival.

  5. This should have been allowed a long time ago. Ukraine has been incredibly cooperative with the west despite the restrictions given to them. We let Israel do whatever the fuck it wants saying “they have the right to defend themselves”. Create an apartheid state? Cool. Displace an entire nation’s population? Cool. Pick fights across the Middle East? Cool. The least we can do is let Ukraine defend itself and strike military targets in deep inside Russia.

  6. If he thinks it’s gonna be the difference between him losing this war & winning it why not just do it without permission?

  7. >Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed gratitude to Ukrainian soldiers and defense industry workers for recent Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed gratitude to Ukrainian soldiers and defense industry workers for recent successful strikes on Russian airfields, oil refineries, and logistics facilities. In his evening address, Zelenskyy emphasized the effectiveness of bringing the consequences of Russia’s war back to Russian territory and eliminating safe havens for the enemy in occupied Ukrainian lands and deeper inside Russia.

    >The President revealed that he received a detailed report from Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi about these operations. Zelenskyy stressed the urgent need for Ukraine to acquire long-range strike capabilities, stating,


    >Currently, the US government has allowed Ukraine to use its weapons only near Ukrainian borders, not allowing deeper strikes against Russian airfields.

    >Zelenskyy reiterated Ukraine’s goal to end the war on its own terms, protecting Ukrainian lives. He argued that every precise strike against Russian aerial assets, logistics, and bases brings a just end to the war closer. “Just—for Ukraine and for everyone around the world who values life,” the President added.

    >The Ukrainian leader also thanked international partners for maintaining sanctions pressure on Russia and its supporters. He emphasized the importance of strengthening and enforcing sanctions to prevent Russian circumvention, stating that increased difficulty for Moscow to support its military production and supply its army would push Russia towards peace.

    >Zelenskyy expressed confidence in the feasibility of implementing Ukraine’s Peace Formula, citing global majority support for stability in international relations and opposition to Russia’s military activities. “Real peace will come if we don’t show weakness and adhere to the course of justice,” he said.

  8. If the West acted the way they do now back in the 30s then Europe wouldn’t exist today.

    Its fucking embarrassing that we’re not even letting Ukraine fight back. The war would have been over by now if we actually stepped in and did something. At the very least close the skies over Ukraine.

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