Burger King still hasn’t pulled out of Russia (2.5 years into the war)

Burger King still hasn’t pulled out of Russia (2.5 years into the war)

by hanmerhand

  1. Cool , I quite liked Burger King too . I’ll make sure not to eat there anymore and try and encourage others to do the same . Wankers

  2. They fathers of James W. McLamore and David Edgerton, who founded Burger King, should have pulled out.

  3. I ate Burger King once a week before, now not since it was put out they still in Russia

  4. >” Companies from so-called “unfriendly” states are now forced to sell their assets at a 50% discount.

    >The Russian government also charges a 15% exit tax on top, but only if the buyer (which must be local) is approved.”

  5. I went in with my pitchfork and read the article:

    >Burger King’s owner, Restaurant Brands International (RBI), has previously suggested the restaurant’s franchise structure prevents it from exiting.
    The Canadian-American company owns 15% of the business in Russia and, after the invasion, it claimed its local partner refused to close.
    The local partner did not reply to a request for comment.
    In a statement, RBI told Sky News: “We cut off all corporate support for the Russian market in March of 2022, including operations, marketing, and supply chain support, in addition to refusing approvals for new investment and expansion.
    “RBI has not made any profits from Burger King in Russia since early in 2022.”
    Outside one branch of Burger King near Moscow Zoo, some diners spoke of their delight at still being able to eat there.
    “I’m very happy that at least someone stayed with us,” Irina told Sky News.
    Fyodor, accompanied by his family, was more cynical: “It seems that for many corporations, money is much more important than their image.”

  6. those are not company supported and supply chain stopped,

    2.5 years into the war and you bitch about a company that stopped supply and froze investments on March 21, 2022

  7. How the hell is Burger King in Russia and not in Ukraine? I wish Ukraine had more American and authentic Mexican food options. When I was in Poland, they had the best Mexican food with Mexicans working there.

  8. Firstly afaik BK has stopped it’s investments into Russia and doesn’t own investments in Russia.

    Secondly and respectfully, this is a mismatch of outrage. Businesses still doing business in Russia will not pull out now. Even if they do it, they’re over 2 years too late and the damage has been done. Thus it is a waste of energy and internet traffic.

    Focus instead on fundraisers, and getting western countries to give weapons to Ukraine at a faster rate than the pathetically slow rate they’re currently giving. And also focus on sending more aid on top of that. That will have a much larger effect than having companies pull out over two years too late.

  9. Mostly Brazilian actually…Restaurant Brands International Inc. 3G Restaurant Brands Holdings LP, an affiliate of the Brazilian investment company 3G Capital, owns a 32% stake in Restaurant Brands International. The company is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange.

  10. Says alot that American brands are held in such high esteem that the local company running it felt compelled to keep their branding instead of being proudly Russian local burger brand

  11. Don’t like American food ..and everyone should just void it ..not worth it ..bad for you . Make a stand

  12. It seems they actually did almost as much as they could given the ownership structure. They claim they haven’t supplied or earned a profit from these stores. Why not direct the wrath on someone more deserving, like nestle? I’m also not listing alcohol/tobacco companies because they are selling poison to the willing recipients.

  13. How do they supply burger king produce if the supply is truly cut off.

    I guess it’s counterfeit logos printed at any old cup / straw / bags / etc place. Burgers and buns aren’t difficult to get, wonder if the taste changed. Then you need to look towards coca cola are they still supplying drinks, or are Heinz still making the sauces / etc.

    Burger King is the king of dog shit tasting food anyway, with McDonald’s the queen – can’t be hard to continue if you have all the signs, furniture and machinery already. How do you even stop it 🤔

  14. Well, how else will they use up all that surplus mincemeat that continues to be slaughtered.

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