Shops looted and library torched as ‘sickening’ violence erupts in Liverpool

Shops looted and library torched as ‘sickening’ violence erupts in Liverpool

by Ok-Ad-867

  1. Fortunately, counterprotestors outnumbered these violent thugs showing Liverpool does not agree with these far-right thugs. However, they still attacked people and caused a huge amount of destruction. I look forward to the local police arresting these people.

  2. If you get 5 years for organising a peaceful protest, or 2 years for participating in one, surely you’d get much longer sentences for literally burning a library down?

    Edit: the person below me blocked me immediately after replying. So I’d say: not everyone sentenced to jail received court warnings beforehand, and certainly not the ones who got 1 to 2 years for participating, so clearly that’s irrelevant to the type of sentence they got.

  3. Funny how the shops get looted and the place that could educate these idiots get torched, never the other way around.

    This is just scummy little islanders using the recent stabbings as an excuse to behave how they want and steal some shit, this isn’t about immigration it’s just scumbag opportunists taking their chance.

    We should be calling in the army to shoot rubber bullets and make some arrests. These idiots need consequences or they will carry on doing this shit.

  4. This is like going back in time to the seventies and eighties where National Front marches and ‘p*ki-bashing’ were commonplace occurrences. These thugs need to be rounded up and marooned on an island somewhere.

  5. Send in the army.

    If these thugs want to pretend they’re fighting for their country, give them a real opponent.

  6. Those poor kids! I’ll make a point by nicking some trainers! Get rid of the criminal migrants and multiculturalism! Ooh a new PS5!

    Fucking melts. Just an excuse to go out and be a cunt.

  7. No doubt Liverpool fans will be up in arms in a few weeks, when an opposing club sings the sign on chant. Yet they’re out here burning food banks.

  8. Has anyone been able to articulate what they’re actually ‘protesting about’ or what ‘change’ they claim to want because I’ve not heard anyone come up with a coherent message on this

  9. The people defending this shit would be shitting bricks and calling for military intervention if pro-Palestinian protesters were behaving like this.

  10. The people defending this shit would be shitting bricks and calling for military intervention if pro-Palestinian protesters were behaving like this.

  11. That’s how you grow and protect a community, torching free spaces of learning. Honestly, the fucking gall on these people to think they’re doing any good.

  12. They need to treat this like January 6th – I want the state pursuing these rioters for years to come, prosecuting them for their actions.

  13. I think its disgusting these racist thugs have taken the grief and suffering of others and turned it into an attack on innocent people.

  14. So who’s to blame for this?

    Given scousers reputation I guess it could be them taking opportunity to liberate goods in the general chaos of things but with Liverpool being a firmly left wing town I doubt scousers would be on the streets with racists either…

    So who caused this damage???

  15. So how long will they delude themselves into believing “its for the kids”, “its cause immigrants are bad”, “only us true british are good” and “immigrants are ruining our country”.

  16. I’ve seen some of these idiots calling themselves “crusaders”. The irony there being that all of the crusades against Muslims historically failed miserably.

    There’s only one way to deal with fascists, if they want a proper fight then send in the army and give them one.

    Then we’ll see who’s a brave “crusader”, absolute scum.

  17. I don’t think I understand what’s going on.

    Are these protests against… a mentally ill guy stabbing innocent children to death?

    I’m assuming he’s mentally ill because sane people don’t stab children to death.

    Is this an organised group across several locations or just random eruptions of something?

    Are they protesting against something specific? Or _for_ something specific?

    Is there a message or… something?

  18. Can’t wait for football season to start again so these pricks have something better to do with their weekends

  19. As long as left don’t address the real issue of fundings by Zionist to Tommy Robinson then these things will never stop. He’s paid to stoke Islamophobia in UK. 

  20. Why are so many (not all) of the English working class such primitive violent animals? The apologists say it’s a reaction “immigration” but I seem to remember them constantly rioting in other countries during football matches including killing many Juventus fans causing all English teams to be banned. What did that have to do with immigration?

  21. This shit results in less freedoms for everybody, it’s just selfish unbound rage for the sake of it.

  22. The more I see this the more I think we’re gonna see Reform at least as opposition by the next election and in power the one after.

    The amount of people with scummy far right views is growing very quickly, and the more that people not yet on the fringes are ignored, the more are going to end up there. There are a huge amount of issues going completely ignored by both Labour and previously the Tories (in actions, not words for the Tories). Issues such as immigration levels, integration, law and order, education outcomes of working class boys.

    Obviously these riots are totally wrong, and especially farcical given they’re based on a lie around the religion of the Stockport killer, but reality is they’re the match that lit the fire and dismissing it all as a bunch of small minded racists solves nothing and doesn’t address the underlying social issues that are slowly pushing society into the hands of the far right

  23. The UK government is too soft to get the army involved and really sort this out. The people involved in the protests should be made to do 5-10 years of community service and imprisonment. You need to teach people a lesson that this is not okay and there should be zero tolerance and severe repercussions for this senseless violence.

  24. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often considering the state our country is in with migration. The government has failed us and some people have had enough.

  25. Just seen a tiktok live, they surrounded holiday inn in Rotherham and have just managed to break in to the barracaded side doors and a crowd of them have entered. This is a hotel where many migrants are living….

  26. Definitely feels like we were heading in this direction from both sides. The rising illegal immigration from culturally incompatible countries on the one hand and the rising culture war rhetoric led by the Bravermans and Patels and Farages of the world on the other. I don’t see how, in the long term, these two forces can be reconciled.

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