Trump and Vance announced their intent PURGE the GOP of anyone disloyal. Where do they get these weird ideas?

Trump and Vance announced their intent PURGE the GOP of anyone disloyal. Where do they get these weird ideas?

Posted by 7dayweekendgirl

  1. What’s weird (and spineless) is how the purged GOP members keep crawling back begging for forgiveness for whatever got them purged. Used to be us Americans would see that in a cheap dictatorship and laugh, because that’s how cheap dictators are SUPPOSED to operate. Now it’s one of the two options in a major election.

    Friends don’t let friends vote for spinless weirdos. Don’t let these clowns near the levers of power!

  2. This sounds like McCarthy Era black listing. They should purge the GOP for sure before the election because then those purged members won’t vote for the GOP

  3. The Nazis purged those disloyal and gave positions of importance based on loyalty and it ended badly for everyone…

  4. What do you mean announce? This is just part of Project 2025. Which Trump doesn’t know anything about.

  5. Oh goody! Purity tests. I wonder how much that costs? I guess it’s Woke to realize that it’s grift all the way down.

  6. Just leave, Republicans! Get out of that sad mess of what was.

    There’s no glory in sticking around, especially if there’s no respect for the tyrant at the helm. Just leave the party, reconvene, and rebrand as the Real Republican Party. You’ll have corporate backing, more than you would assume!

  7. The guy who insists that everyone else is the problem, that he is absolutely innocent, he’s the majority of the problem, the salvation army of weirdos who want to rule over us in a church dance, live video feed from your bedroom to a council of weirdos who just have to know what everyone looks like naked, I guess.

  8. You are supposed to purge people to consolidated power after having achieved power.

    Purging the party after you gain control of it and purging the bureaucracy after you gain control of it.

    That is how it is normally done.

    Not randomly in the middle of a fight to achieve power.

    Certainly not by announcing your intent beforehand.

  9. Vance would look forward to a purge; he can freely enjoy being the disgusting and evil weirdo he is having trouble hiding from the public.

  10. Looks like he’s surrounded by old maga ladies w bad plastic surgery. #kimguilfoyle

  11. Here’s an idea, when Trump loses can the Republican party purge the Maga base out?

  12. They’re really going all in this cycle aren’t they? Because with how Trump is running the GOP, how does it function and recover after another loss?

  13. Umm, the purge has been going on for over 40 years.
    It’s why the Republican Party is nothing but politically, and literally, inbred dumbasses.

  14. I hope they do and Kamala kicks their ass. The GOP will be in absolute disarray until the Rapture. Lol

  15. Just like they want to do in the U. S. given the chance. I remember reading about something like this happening in the late 1930 early 1940.

  16. There term “Weird” is already starting to get a little overused IMO, I get that it really gets at the republicans, but every other comment on here is some iteration of “that’s weird” and it’s just not very clever

  17. Been waiting for the inevitabilty of the long knives coming out since the GOP started down this path. Hope it’s metaphorical this time around the didn’t-study-history wheel of pain.

  18. Alienating a decent sized voting block who may choose to sit out this election cycle sounds like a winning strategy . . . for their opponents.

  19. I’m out. My views (respecting women, respecting all religions and atheists, government smart spending) ~~as~~ was of a center right republican are now considered middle democrat. I’m voting for Harris.

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