Trump Is Selling ‘Anybody Anytime Anyplace’ Shirts Despite Saying He Wouldn’t Attend a Previously Agreed Upon Debate on ABC

Trump Is Selling ‘Anybody Anytime Anyplace’ Shirts Despite Saying He Wouldn’t Attend a Previously Agreed Upon Debate on ABC

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Donald Trump is currently selling a shirt that says “Anybody Anytime Anyplace” despite his ongoing efforts to renegotiate terms of a debate after President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race.

    Trump over the weekend said he wouldn’t attend a previously agreed upon debate on ABC, and instead said he would insist it be on Fox News. He also suggested he would change other debate terms, including adding an in-room audience, citing a new nominee on the side of the Democratic party.

    A conservative was cornered on the debate issue on Saturday, and he insisted that the new Democratic candidate warranted a new negotiation.

    But that would seem to go against the “anybody” line on his campaign site’s t-shirt.

    Writer Hunter Schwarz flagged the shirt on social media.

    “Despite backing out of the pre-scheduled presidential debate, Trump’s campaign is *still* selling a $38 ‘Anybody Anytime Anyplace’ tee,” Schwarz wrote.

  2. Kamala needs to wear this while doing a tv ad where she is asking Trump about the ABC debate

  3. Watching conservatives twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend him backing out has been the real entertainment.

    But, but, but… + yada yada + Maga whining = your candidate is a weird, treasonous chicken shit who is scared of facing someone who can finally give him the verbal beat down he richly deserves.

  4. Same as his arrest photo from GA. No Surrender and a pic of him surrendering. What a loser

  5. Weird to put that on a tshirt when it’s completely wrong to anyone with a memory of more than like a goldfish…

  6. If Kamala shows for the ABC debate and Trump doesn’t, that will be the most intelligent debate of this election cycle.

  7. Kamala should say she is going to show up for the ABC debate and will debate his empty podium if he doesn’t show, and she should add that the empty podium will be a bigger debate challenge than Trump anyway.

  8. He’s a grifter, and the really sad thing is there are a lot of people out there who are still too stupid to realise that.

  9. Kamala should sell the same design t shirts.

    With an added “…but not at the original day, time, venue
    …and certainly not with – gasp – fact checking” – Donald “chicken” Trump.

  10. no way it is made in the usa, no way it is 100% cotton, saying it is preshrunk is basically telling us after one wash you can throw it away and I thought these idiots believed there are two genders only what’s with this unisex fit

  11. He is just telling people his asshole is free to use, Anybody, Anytime, Anyplace.

  12. Trump sure doesn’t mind making his followers look like fools. Actually, he revels in it because the more they are maligned they dig their heels in to defend a man who uses them and mocks them behind their backs.

  13. Pretty soon he’ll be selling “I lost to Kamala and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” shirts to pay for his legal fees.

  14. Old, Senile, Weird Con Artist Selling Made in China Garbage

     There, fixed the headline for ya. 

  15. Anybody Anytime Anyplace…isn’t that Trump’s policy on him sexually assaulting women?

  16. “Anytime anybody anyplace” isn’t referring to who he’d debate. It’s actually referring to who Trump will offend and insult.

  17. Kamala shouls start selling “except the agrees upon 9/10 on ABC” t shirts. What weirdo trump is

  18. If Kamala were to show up to that ABC debate and trump were not there, she could put the shirt on on camera and that would show that their would-be emperor has no clothes. How could their cult leader shame them all like that?

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