FT: Factory or front line? Ukrainian businesses fight to retain workers

FT: Factory or front line? Ukrainian businesses fight to retain workers


Posted by shieeet

  1. >Workers have been drafted while on their morning bus commute and unauthorised conscription vans have been spotted outside the factory gate.
    “Every shop floor manager, supervisor and plant director is like a chess player. He comes to work, finds a new piece is missing from the board. What to do?” said Pakhomonov.

    >Some 800,000 men are believed to have gone “underground” to avoid conscription by changing their address and taking jobs paid in cash, Natalukha said. This has left conscription officers targeting companies such as Interpipe, where workers are on the books and physically present on the factory floor.

    Yikes 😬

  2. Unauthorised conscription vans ? There is a general mobilisation if you are eligible and you are not in the army you are a draft dodger lol .

  3. Important reminder: not the Ukrainian government/military is to blame for the situation.

    Russia and it’s fascist leadership habe created the situation and should not be allowed to get away with it.

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