Wasp exterminator wonders “where have all the wasps gone”?

Maybe you killed them mate…


by bogbrushy

  1. Climate change is a bitch eh…

    I unfortunately had to have a wasp nest poisoned last week. They were going in and out through a gap in the mortar just under the roof. I’d been giving them side eye and ignoring them.

    Couldn’t open the window in the room I work in all day without the fuckers coming in though – they’re so incompetent at getting back out the open window as well. As soon as this hot weather hit, that was the end for them I’m afraid. No regrets.

  2. During 2020 I had a massive wasp nest below the lawn and they were causing a nightmare with the kids playing in the garden, we literally couldn’t go out there without getting stung. They are so bloody aggressive!

    Things I learnt about wasps that year included soapy water kills them, and they all go back to the nest once it’s dark so you can get close without being spotted. So, I waited until about 11.30 pm armed with a full bottle of Tesco’s cheapest dish soap liquid and the hose, I dumped the contents of the bottle in the hole and switched on the hose. Wiped the lot out in one hit.

    It’s was me or them, and I wasn’t ready to leave.

  3. I mean if an exterminator wasn’t remotely arsed about where the wasps have gone he wouldn’t be very good at his job now would he?

  4. *”Without wasps we will be overrun with spiders…..”*

    -Monkeys Paw curls a finger-

  5. Sorry, my fault. One was getting right on my tits yesterday and I might have swatted it a bit too hard as it reached escape velocity.

  6. You know that’s the first time I’ve really thought about it. I haven’t seen a single wasp this summer. Although i do live in Scotland and you’d think it was Autumn if you didn’t know any better

  7. They are in Switzerland, bloody wasps everywhere. I had forgotton how fucking annoying they are.

  8. I’m currently sitting in a pub beer garden, and 2 of them are trying to swim in my lemonade.

  9. Has anyone seen any giant jam sandwiches recently?

    *A truck drew up and dumped out butter
    And they spread it out with a flap and a flutter
    Spoons and spades! Slap and slam!
    And they did the same with the strawberry jam.*

  10. Spiders are easier to get on with. They’ll usually not bother you. Wasps are evil.

  11. They are all in Turkey. They appear to have joined me on my bloody holiday.

    In all honesty, I’ve only seen one but keeping my eyes peeled.

  12. I know *technically* this is a terrible thing, but I can’t help but think if we’re going to destroy ourselves as a species we may as well take wasps down with us.

  13. Drove 250 miles over two days in a hire car last week. On returning the car there were hardly any insects squashed on the front. The loss of insects is way beyond just wasps.

  14. Wasps are doing really well in Australia , the winters are mild and there are no natural predators .
    So if he wants to know where all the wasps went ……..

  15. It’s really weird though, I work doing admin for council pest control and usually the whole of July, Aug and a bit of Sept we’d have loads of domestic wasp jobs. But none this year. 😬 Just your usual rats n mice. There’s literally no wasp season. I reckon it will come late due to the rainy summer.

  16. BBC states as fact…

    >Colder and wetter weather and *climate change* have had a global impact on the invertebrates.

    Thomas Ings, an associate professor in zoology specialising in entomology at the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, says in the same article…

    >…With wasps it is difficult to say if there is a long-term decline, said Mr Ings. There is evidence what happens in the year before influences what we get the following year. When there are a lot more wasps in one year, you do tend to have slightly fewer wasps in the next.

    I’d love for the media to stop the endless click-bait shite and just report the facts. This years wet spring has negatively affected insect numbers. Climate change exists, but I think that, perhaps, wet springs have happened before in England.

  17. I’ve seen a grand total of 3 this year.

    2 came into my room and I was able to persuade them to leave since they were behind the net curtain Infront of the window so they didn’t get far.

    The third flew into my car the other day, landed on my hand while it was on my gearstick then stung me as I changed gear…nearly flew off the road cause I weren’t expecting it.

    Frankly I’ve seen 3 wasps this year more then I’d like but ya know.

  18. Moths and butterflies too. I don’t think I’ve seen three of either this year. Normally you’d get three moths just by making the mistake of switching on the bathroom light when the window was open.

  19. Maybe they’ve nested everywhere on this planet, apparently they never nest anywhere twice, so maybe they’ve gone to the moon?

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