Generalstab: Russland hat seit dem 24. Februar 2022 582.910 Soldaten in der Ukraine verloren

Generalstab: Russland hat seit dem 24. Februar 2022 582.910 Soldaten in der Ukraine verloren

  1. So this will be the most Russian troops lost in any modern war before the government collapsed. Or ia Putin trying for WW1 level losses (2.2mln according to Wikipedia)

  2. Even if the numbers are wrong, and it’s only half of what they stated, these numbers are just insane. Just for context, 58,220 U.S soldiers died at US-Vitenam war (1954–1975)

  3. Their blood is on Putin’s hands. May the Russian public wake up and see this debacle for what it is – a senseless and insane invasion. All the people killed on each side had hopes and dreams and people who loved them. What a waste of life and all because of some little power hungry asshole.

  4. Well, karma is a bitch, uh? Invading another country and murdering lots of innocent men, women and kids have consequences. You can thank the murderous war criminal Putin.

  5. I guess Russia does not care for their own for such a ridiculous war they can’t win. Yes, they could possibly occupy Ukraine but the future underground freedom fighters will make their lives miserable for generations.

  6. The Russians are using Soviet era equipment with meat grinder tactics. Not surprised.

  7. Putin doesn’t give a shit nor do most city dwelling Russians, as all these troops are the rural “hillbillies” and just a means to a meat wave end of fighting a 21st century war with 20th century tactics, weapons and armor

  8. Now that we know the western numbers, where can we find the Russian numbers?

    Obviously estimates from both sides are part of their individual propagandas so neither will be objective, but it will at least give us upper and lower limits to where the accurate estimate might be.

    I cant believe that I am asking this, but how do I access Russian propaganda?

  9. i’m sure this is just a propaganda number but even if the number is a 1/4 of this, that is still insane for a modern war

  10. ”Six miles of ground has been won
    Half a million men are gone”

    – Sabaton, The price of a mile

  11. Remember: these are KWIA numbers, not deaths. Not discrediting the numbers, just clarifying.

  12. This is an insane death toll that will have far reaching impacts on Russia. I’m assuming most of those lost are young men. The Russian population has already been shaky

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