The first photos of the anti-aircraft installation of the German “Skynex” complex in service with the Ukrainian military

The first photos of the anti-aircraft installation of the German “Skynex” complex in service with the Ukrainian military

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Sexy stuff. Probably deployed as drone protection close to Patriots or other valuable systems.

  2. It’s an impressive system. But Ukraine would need so many more of them to actually make a difference.

  3. Isn’t the biggest challenge detection?

    Shooting them down with big guns and fancy bullets is easy when you know where they are.

  4. Futuristic AF.

    Even just from visuals alone, I am way more confident in our armaments compared to the farming equipment the orcs seem to have in numbers.

  5. This is a similar role to the “slinger” anti drone system from Australia. Ukraine was supposed to have received a bunch already and I had been hoping to see them in action but there has not been much follow up on them.

  6. I wonder if they brought the full stack including the lasers, that can be integrated into this system.

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