Kaylia Nemour wins the gold in the Womens uneven bar

Kaylia Nemour wins the gold in the Womens uneven bar

Posted by Chelseatilidie

  1. Re: Nemour and why she’s not competing for France:

    tl;dr: They wanted all the French gymnasts to come train at the national training centers, but she wanted to stay in her (very good!) gym, so they started horribly mistreating her and her gym and coach, and eventually she went “fine, I’ll compete for my dad’s birthplace.”

    More detail here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymnastics/comments/1die544/why_is_french_gym_on_fire_and_why_does_the_fed/

    So, it sure is funny how she’s the only French gymnast to medal, and in fact the only female French artistic gymnast to make a final. Team would’ve made the team final if she were on it, too.

  2. That was an amazing performance! First African gymnast to win an Olympic medal, and she’s only 17!

  3. She was absolutely phenomenal. Her emotion when she finished her routine was so moving too, I got a little teary. It was also so lovely to see all the gymnasts congratulating her, everyone knew how well she had done.

  4. Absolutely INCREDIBLE! Breathtaking, for it to be so so very hard but made to look effortless, she has the best natural swing since Mustafina imo, and she just floats. SO SO well deserved, especially with the pressure of being favourite.

    Also fucking LOL to the FrenchFed, now having to hear the Algerian National anthem, at their home Games because of how bad they dropped the ball, and lost her.

  5. So happy QQY redeemed herself with a silver here 🙂

    Kayla and her hugging and congratulating each other was so cute too 🥹

  6. I’m so happy for her succeeding despite everything the French Federation put her through

  7. The first gymnast from Algeria and the African continent to win an Olympic gymnastics medal!

    She does my favorite uneven bars routine of all time. The entire routine consists of two combo chains, where each combo is all just difficult skills going right into another difficult skill, with nothing easy in between, which all racks up bonus points. It’s so incredibly satisfying to watch!

    She is also excellent to great on all the other events. And in fact, she would’ve won bronze at the women’s all-around finals except she and her coach made an awful strategic mistake in how they constructed her beam routine. I was feeling a little bad for her, but I’d say she’s made up for it with this gold!

    Here’s to many more from the young champion!

  8. I hope she gets taken care of well by the Algerian Federation and doesn’t need to compete for France ever again for their mistreatment. She’s made history today not only for Algeria but for Africa!

  9. The French federation fucked around and found out. They’re giving the same treatment to another athlete from her gym. It’d be like if USA gymnastics picked a petty fight with Simone Biles’ gym.

  10. Very well deserved! Her routine was packed. As the commentators said, blink and you’ll miss the show 😂

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