Orange Hitler demonizes a female boxer and falsely accuses her of being trans, to incite anti-trans hate. Weird.

Orange Hitler demonizes a female boxer and falsely accuses her of being trans, to incite anti-trans hate. Weird.

Posted by _Arbiter_Of_Truth_

  1. That’s the type of sick, weird, hateful red herrings he throws out because he and the magas have nothing better to offer American voters.

  2. My buddy kept saying she was a man and after reading a bit on the internet I was like nah dude she’s a woman. He’s still not convinced. I was even like being trans is illegal in Algeria how is she in the Olympics if she was a man? There’s no getting through to him fox runs his whole belief system.

  3. I had an argument with a dude online about this- and said I didn’t think a convicted rapist had the right to represent his country- and asked me what Trump had to do with anything.

    I responded with “Nothing, because I wasn’t talking about Trump. I was talking about Stephen van de Velde. If Trump was the first place your mind went and you’re still voting for him in November, you might want to sit with that for a while.”

    These people know this guy is a racist orange shitgibbon. They don’t care.

  4. Now as someone campaigning for the presidency how does he have time to ever know about this?

  5. What a world, trump wears makeup, poops himself all the time and basically is more emotionally fragil3 than a 14 year old girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, and he’s the person people turn to about masculinity.

    Guys if you want to wear makeup and talk about being beautiful, just do it. Trump does. Nobody cares except you, and that’s just because you really want to and think you can’t.

    Whip some mascara out and take the old wig off the shelf.

  6. He jumped on this quick.

    But when they asked him about Sonya, he didn’t have a clue.

    Trump doesn’t care about Americans.

  7. Trump WWE strategists desperately trying to cash in on anything to get traction

  8. I know any President will have supporters, but to see how much people will buy his lies (including Fox with a byline like this) and BS is truly utterly repulsive to see how many people like this support crap like that

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