Trump claims he’s pro-worker. Project 2025 will gut labor rights.

Trump claims he’s pro-worker. Project 2025 will gut labor rights.

  1. A lot of the people in my industry are super excited because trump has claimed that people will not have to pay taxes in overtime wages, I point out that project 2025 wants to get rid of overtime wages, so yep won’t be getting taxed on income you don’t make.

  2. How this POS is representing any political party is mind boggling – he wants everyone broke and stupid

  3. The Republican party pretends to support workers, while they try to make workers serfs.

    They claim to support women, while project 2025 promises to legalize marital rape.

    They claim to support black people while project 2025 will legalize segregation and end all equal opportunities law.

  4. Texas is an example of what will happen. They removed water breaks, no legal breaks, can get fired for refusing overtime, no limit to the number of hours you’ll work, overtime exemption limit was increase, you can get fired for not responding to after hours texts unless your contract stipulates different, and everything that comes with a Right to Work state.

    It’ll be that, only worse.

  5. The “Presidential Transition Project” shows outright hostility toward government employee unions – whether police unions, firefighters’ unions or teachers’ unions – saying that Congress should consider abolishing all public sector unions.

    Maga will not stop until all unions are abolished.

    We aren’t going back. Vote Blue.

    Project 2025 wants to abolish all subsidies to farmers too.

  6. No Estate Tax? = More inflation

    More trade wars? = More inflation

    More Climate Change? = More inflation

    More military spending? = More inflation

    No healthcare regulations? = more inflation

    Conservatism is about facilitating the extraction of natural resources and concentrating wealth, nothing more, and nothing less. We already have a Supreme Court ingratiated into the super-structure of capital bribery and legislating accordingly, we don’t need President Pawn back in there trying to cut deals with whoever to keep himself on top as well.

  7. He’s pro worker… pro workers making less money in more unsafe environments. And pro getting their votes

  8. Trump is pro-Trump. Nothing more. Everything he does indirectly ties back to that.

    On the off chance that he ever does anything even remotely good for the common man, it’s probably an unintentional side-effect of whatever self-serving thing he’s up to.

  9. Pro-worker in the sense that other people move his boxes of classified documents because he’s too old and weak to carry them himself.

  10. Trump is only pro Trump. Well, also likely pro Ivanka, but that’s a different discussion.

  11. The GOP hates America.

    They want to dismantle democracy (Trump *insists* he didn’t take an oath to support the constitution and wants to suspend it), push religion into schools (separation of church and state???), take away rights (party of small government???), and censor the fuck out of everything from school books to the internet…

    I like that the “weird” thing is sticking, but it’s so frustrating that nearly half the country is willing to vote for this party of fucking fascist morons…

  12. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 95%. (I’m a bot)
    > Project 2025 calls for maximizing the number of political employees in the Department of Labor and recommends changes to let department officials launch investigations of labor unions even when workers have not filed a complaint.

    > Across the US, there are more than 200 worker centers, non-union groups that have fought vigorously on behalf of immigrant workers, and the project urges the labor department to investigate them and calls for requiring them to file detailed annual financial projects, just like labor unions.

    > In sharp contrast, the labor chapter calls for making the labor department considerably more powerful and invasive when it comes to labor unions and worker centers – institutions that are widely disliked by the Heritage Foundation's corporate backers.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~691749 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **work**^#1 **Project**^#2 **labor**^#3 **union**^#4 **call**^#5

  13. He is absolutely going to implement P2025.

    But, let’s play his game and look at his own platform. Aftrrall, I think he wrote it in 16 pages vs 900 culled to fit his IQ, which says he will:
    1) “Cut Regulations”
    5) “Champion Innovation” of “AI”

    His “trade deal” stance is worded innocently on his platform but his high tariff rates he openly promises when we don’t produce the goods we consume is horrific for 30% of Americans who shops at Walmart and Target – which is not pro-worker.

    He is going to “Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent” which benefited ‘white households in the highest-earning 1 percent receive 23.7 percent of the law’s total cuts, far more than the 13.8 percentage share that the bottom 60 percent of households of all races receive.’ I am solidly middle class and my taxes went up from 2016 (income did not). So, that is not pro-worker.

    His Protect the American Worker is interestingly a copy of the 2020 Biden Harris platform, absent any plans. So, he’ll just continue the work of Joe? Cool. Except, I feel like Reagonmics shadow work.

    I am sure these are going to go well for his cronies (not /s)… I mean labor.

  14. When Republicans say they’re “Pro Worker” what they really mean is they’re “Pro Owner” as their entire understanding of economics is still based on Wanniski’s/Reagan’s supply-side and trickle-down economics. So the owner or the corporation will ALWAYS be the one rewarded under the assumption that the worker would benefit indirectly. In practice, it is an outright scam.

  15. You don’t even have to understand P 2025 to know the guy is not pro-worker. He’s fucked over workers long before he became president. He’s long been anti-union and has a history of not paying people for work they’ve done for him. Of course, he hates the same people the MAGAts hate, so he’s their imperfect vessel and all is forgiven and overlooked.

  16. He’s pro worker in the sense that he’s pro forcing workers to work more, harder and with less rights.

  17. The problem with MAGA-otts is they don’t read. They believe the carefully crafted statements about Project 2025 and they don’t do their own research. They believe the Felon Trump when he says he knows nothing about Project 2025, even though his VP pick Vance wrote the foreward and there is a video from 2022 in which the Felon Trump talks about project 2025.

  18. Can we stop calling them conservatives and start calling them “regressives?”

    They just want to take things back to some fanciful, fake idea of the past that never existed and it’s so tired and played out:

  19. The fact that anyone who works a manual labor job or is in a union that supports Trump or any republican shows how much better at culture wars and proxy arguments republicans are than democrats. People lining up to fuck themselves over bullshit

  20. He’s pro worker in the sense that he appeals to the aging white union workers sense of rage at the world changing around them. Any gutting of labour rights will largely not affect these about to retire boomers. It will impact their kids and grandkids. As a generation, boomers are the most selfish and have already pulled up the ladder on their own kids and grandkids. Trump/project 2025 is just the political expression of that level of greed/entitlement

  21. Let’s just make a new headline.
    “Trump claims to be “insert bullshit that you wanna hear “

    Then he walks it back the minute you leave thinking he gives a shit.

  22. When he says he’s “pro worker” it just means he likes having people work for him. And since he doesn’t like paying people…

  23. Project 2025 obviously isn’t dead, but anyone who would need convincing is just going to go with the narrative that it is. I don’t think they should run articles on it anymore. They should be citing Agenda 47.

  24. Donald Trump lies his ass off.

    He will say and do *anything* to win back the White House, because that’s the only thing keeping him out of the Big House.

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