Rotherham: Windows smashed at hotel during protest

Rotherham: Windows smashed at hotel during protest

by denyer-no1-fan

  1. Not just smashed the windows, they’ve set the hotel on fire using bins in the fire exit. There are migrants inside looking down from the top floor.

  2. BBC has to stop calling them protestors, they are _rioters_, that’s why riot police officers are deployed here.

  3. So it seems we have a real problem in the uk and some very underlying issues that the government are not addressing or talking about.

  4. I wonder how many of these born n bred leeches who are rioting (note, this is not protesting) actually contribute to society.

  5. Thats why it was soooo quiet in the town today.
    Btw the hotel is on the outskirts of the town, there were no one in the town centre today.

  6. Meanwhile, in Doncaster, only one “protester” turned up, Google it, it’s great stuff.

  7. Do they realise destroying your own community leads to an increase in council tax?

  8. They are chanting “get them out”

    In which case they will be fans of Labour policy to process claims quicker because Tories been housing them for months.

  9. They seem to put these asylum hotels in the most deprived areas like a red rag to a bull. When you see hotels full of fit young me while your living standards continue to plummet with no end in sight – Is it any wonder this happens. It doesn’t help with the trickle of news stories of how 96% are not processed and we as an Island are seemingly helpless dealing with it.

    Look these rioters are bigoted c**nts but we need to get a grip on this asylum process. The fact so many are fit young men suggests many are playing the system an we need a much quicker turn around.

  10. These people make me sick but I can’t say it’s a surprise. Governments have been warned this kind of stuff will go on unless a shift in a lot of areas are sorted out. I also feel (and rightly so) that these rioters are getting a worse media coverage than if they were not white. I could be wrong but that’s how I see it

  11. ‘Protest’ god the white nationalist privilege these smelly ugly inbred bastards get

  12. Brain dead idiots, smashing up where they live. The sort to smash the local corner shop up then complain they can’t get their fags and booze.

    Bet if you asked any of them they wouldn’t know what they’re rioting for. Just anti social scum.

  13. There are idiots there in Guy Fawks masks with anarchist ‘A’ symbols sprayed on the Englsh flag…

  14. Not a Brit. Seeing the Twitter and Reddit side. Really interesting the contrast in coverage

  15. Whatever their status, be it a genuine asylum seeker or someone trying to game the system, nobody deserves to be treated so cruelly and dehumanised like this. This is dangerously close to a lynch mob and there don’t appear to be nearly enough officers deployed.

  16. It’s not just about Muslims. Once they’re finished abusing them they’ll find another enemy like Hindus, Sikhs, Jews or Homosexuals/Trans people. This sort of behaviour cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

  17. I do question the timing of this.

    Why didn’t they riot about the grooming gangs during the 14 years the Conservatives were in power? Likewise with Rochdale, etc?

  18. What a bunch of no marks, I absolutely despair at this country now, beam me up Scotty, I want off this rock!

  19. These people are not the brightest are they….. live-streaming their own Prison evidence

  20. My husband and I are both not from the UK. He is Chinese and I’m German. We were discussing this horrible incident and I asked him why things like this always seems to happen in summer. There’s also more anti social behaviour where we live right now. He reckons it’s because they are all at the pub in this weather and ‘had a few Stellas ‘.

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