[OC] 2023 Median Monthly Rent across USA Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas

[OC] 2023 Median Monthly Rent across USA Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas

Posted by Real_Department_6710

  1. is there any way to display the colors on the map more clearly instead of as a gradient? maybe make the color key distinct colors with ranges instead of a gradient? i think that would make this a lot easier to interpret.

  2. Is $1052 the mean/median for the whole country? If not, the blue/white/red color map is pointless.

  3. Such beautiful data! Let me check really quick to see how it’s looking in SoCal oh wait

  4. It’d be interested to see with the dot sizes weighted by population or number of renters. Having Chicago have the same weight as Danville, IL paints a sort of misleading picture.

  5. Hmm – let me correlate this with where I’d most like to live and … hey, look at that! A pretty good fit!

  6. What about without subsidized housing? Or splitting the rent between roommates?

    I’m from the Midwest, and it’s hard to find a place under 1k in rent right now

  7. Why the fuck would your legend cover up one of the largest metros in the world (LA & Southern California)

  8. I don’t trust these figures. The Median cost of rent in places like SF and NYC is way north of $2,134.

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