It was weird that one time when Donnie invited the Russians to the oval office to share intelligence with them while only allowing a Russian photographer to cover the meeting.

It was weird that one time when Donnie invited the Russians to the oval office to share intelligence with them while only allowing a Russian photographer to cover the meeting.

Posted by finfangfoom1

  1. Think that was the day after he fired Comey.

    But because he’s a coward, he fired Comey while Comey was out of town at a conference.

  2. And right after this the Oval Office was totally gutted and deep-cleaned for totally normal reasons.

  3. Say goodbye Alaska and Hawaii if he gets re elected. Traitor, money over everything.

  4. Half of his 2020 campaign staff were sent to prison. Trump pardoned them of course. James Comey had all of this information before the election…trying to “do the right thing” instead of screaming, “Treason! He’s been compromised by the Russians!” at the top of his lungs.

  5. It’s weird the only time we’ve seen him genuinely smile is after that meeting with the Russians in the oval office where he told them classified information.

  6. sadly, not that weird for a Russian mole. The old man is still weird though.

  7. Goes in empty handed, comes out with handful full of folders. Within weeks our Russian Intelligence unit completely decimated.

  8. Lavrov and company were grinning like kids in a candy store. They knew they’d scored a major win by getting their stooge elected, but those pics in the Oval Office looked like “Holy shit, this is going to be so easy!”

  9. Trump has always been a Russian Asset and a traitor. He congratulated only Putin on the release of American hostages recently. While President, he tried to give Intel to Putin after Trump knew that Putin was paying bounties to Afghanistan to kill Ameican soldiers.

  10. And we only found out about it because Russian state media covered it. Donnie Treason didn’t want anyone to know.

  11. Weird in what a way, the way they installed the electronics or the way they got the pictures, enquiring minds want to know

  12. Not really… his boss the dwarf dictator pootin told him to do that,, ever wonder why he picked manafort???

  13. Imagine being played by somebody as predicable as this felon? America has to be embarrassed at how much growth, $$, reputation and domestic unity he has cost the country for his own personal gain. Remarkable that there really are suckers born every minute

  14. One week later they were renovating the West Wing- a full on makeover. Those fuckers brought who knows what tech into the WH.

  15. Article:        

    Photo from a separate visit you must not miss:        

    The US ended up personally sanctioning the same Mr Lavrov seen hovering like a proud dog owner over the US president in the Oval Office:

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