Something has gone wrong for insects

Something has gone wrong for insects

by Portalrules123

  1. Fascinating – and leads to lots of additional resources.

    >Buglife published its Manifesto for Bugs to set out what the world’s smallest and most numerous creatures needed from any future government.

    > The charity said: “The next government must recognise the rapid decline in insect abundance, demonstrated by the Bugs Matter monitoring scheme revealing a 64% reduction in UK flying insect numbers in just 18 years.”


    A world without pollinators isn’t much of a world.

  2. The overwhelming majority of life on earth is, habital environment sustaining insect life and human activity is devastating yet another system that we are fairly fucked without.

    Meanwhile, there’s no end of pest control marketing that associates beneficial insects with ones that eat us while training the consumer that death is the solution and does indeed use the term ‘kill’ right there in their friendly buy our poison and put it your home advert.

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