F-16-Kampfflugzeuge in der Ukraine eingetroffen, Präsident Selenskyj kündigt Beginn der Kampfhandlungen an

F-16-Kampfflugzeuge in der Ukraine eingetroffen, Präsident Selenskyj kündigt Beginn der Kampfhandlungen an


  1. This is a significant development. The arrival of F-16s could potentially shift the dynamics of the conflict. Hope it leads to a positive change for Ukraine.

  2. God speed in bringing them to full operational and combat status !

    I hope they get more of the planes soon and the necessary long range missiles…

    U hope they put the awacs planes from sweden to good use and maybe try grippen in the upcoming years!

  3. Brilliant, they need air superiority to at least protect infrastructure and civilians.

    > The presence of F-16s in Ukraine will significantly bolster the country’s defensive positions and improve its ability to respond to aerial threats.

  4. f16 are excellent multi role fighters. They are excellent machines for CAS, SEAD, wild weasel shit.

    Of course I don’t know for certain, but I’d imagine they’re running some highly updated version of software and some upgraded radar and computational equipment for targeting and the like.

    In the hands of Ukrainian pilots with instruction and advice from western military consultants, they are an extremely capable tool. Russian might not openly say it, but even those outdated airframes intimidate them.

  5. Really glad to see this is finally a reality. I wish we had done this a long long time ago

  6. This and allow them to attack military positions in Russia. No refueing , no rest. Just bring the hell of war back to them. See how much the people like Putin when they taste the war he brought. The overthrow of Putin is the the end game of his war.

  7. F16’s make us proud and do what you were designed for. To kick Russia’s ass

    Slava Ukraine

  8. Side note: how do F-16s get delivered? Does someone fly it in? Is it shipped by Amazon prime in a big ass box?

  9. The fact that they are advertising this tells me something. So far they have hidden every upgrade until after use. In this case they are way out in front. Makes me think they want to use this as a deterrent rather than to go on the offensive.

  10. I understand agree everyone is very excited about this, and I am as well.

    But at the end of the day, it’s going to come down to the user of the aircraft who will control the air.

    I wish them very well and success. But it seems like they got a crash course on how to operate the aircraft. From my understanding it takes years to train a pilot.

    They basically had a year and some change(?)

  11. Good hunting boys and girls. Keep ‘em dispersed and protected when they are not flying.

  12. Worried this day would never come. 

    Give em hell. Send regards from Bucha. 

    Some may fall, sure. But this is huge. 

  13. The timeline for getting F16s has been criticized by a ton of people, but they ignore what Herculean effort it is to do this. From zero planes and zero knowledge on a super advanced fighter platform, to combat in two years has not been done before. The dedication of pilots, technicians, support staff and ground personnel is astounding. They went from Soviet doctrine air frames to modern NATO standards in 24 months. No other country adopting the F16, or any other modern plane has done this so fast. The closest we may have are the new planes of World War II, but they were adopted into an existing doctrine.

    This is a major, major undertaking and a collaborative effort seldom seen.

    I wish all the F16 (and other) crews happy hunting and come back alive.

  14. How much of a difference can it make?
    I thought both sides couldn’t fully utilise the air because of the large number of air defences

  15. War is awful. May this help make it more swift, provide Ukraine the angle to get back their lost parts of the country and reduce suffering overall. Slava Ukraine!

  16. If memory serves me correctly, I remember hearing how there’d still be a learning curve for them to use American based aircraft like F-16s as Ukrainians would be more familiar with Russian and Soviet based aircraft. I think this was why the MIG-29 delivery from Poland that’s since failed was so crucial weeks into the conflict.

  17. It may not seem like much, and they’re definitely not going to be throwing them at air defenses, but F-16s, even a small number of them that are kept away from danger, will make for excellent missile launch platforms.

    It’s way easier, and cheaper, to fire off long-range ordinance when you’ve already got altitude. That’s why the Gripen and its starstreak missiles were considered such a great candidate. Still, the F-16 gives Ukraine a lot more in the way of weapon system options now.

  18. Going to be disastrous. Escalation is not what we need for this war. We need a road map to peace.

  19. Iran threatening to hit Israel, Ukraine war amping up again, damn August, calm the fuck down.

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