Ukrainian F-16 equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9 sidewinder and MAWS sytem on its pylons

Ukrainian F-16 equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9 sidewinder and MAWS sytem on its pylons

by jimmehi

  1. Can anyone tell what version of the AAMRAM this is? As I understand, the latest version of AAMRAM is what Ukraine needs to keep the Su-34’s from dropping glide bombs all over eastern Ukraine.

  2. What I think is informative in that pic is the two extra fuel tanks underwing, increasing the sortie range very significantly.

  3. Please please please send a couple Su-27’s for a bombing run….. Riiiiiight where drones and HIMARS have worked the Radar and SAM sites…. The AIM-9X has been waiting patiently to do what it was made for, blowing SU-k4s out of the sky

  4. Imagine if some of MBDA meteor was sent aswell. 200km Ramjet monster would be close to impossible to defeat but 2000000€ per missile

  5. Everyone so hyped about f16s. Why is that? What makes them so unique or what can they deliver what ukrainians couldnt do before?

  6. It’s interesting that the AMRAAMs are inert training rounds. The Sidewinders are real. I wonder why? The F-16 shown taking off has no AMRAAMs on it. Just Sidewinders.

  7. There is an article in russian I will post comparing the radars. On paper russians have batter radars until you read the fine print. The ranges they list are against very reflective airframes whereas f16s are 1/5 of that. The f16s radar range that is listed is realistic against tactical aircraft. In other words there is a radar parity. The important thing here is who can bring their awacs to play. The weapons max range is not material if they can see each other at about the same time.

  8. Before everyone gets to excited, take a look at this article and this video?



  9. This tech is all old as fuck. AIM 9 L/M and 120 Bs. These are probably block 30 aircraft.

  10. May ye Fighting Falcon have happy hunting of terrorist Zs in the air 💪🌻🇺🇦

  11. Most endangered Planes on earth right now. Russia will be frantically throw everything they have at them and the airfields.

    Stay save! Use them good and wisely!

    Horrido! Good hunting!

  12. First look at actual Ukrainian F-16s. What we can see from this is that they have received Danish f-16MLU. We also see the Danish DID NOT hand over (that we see at least) airframes they had that underwent the ‘have glass’ upgrade of RAM coating. However, we can see they handed over their vipers with the TERMA pylon with active and passive self defense.

    Another note is that during Zelensky’s speach we saw 2 vipers flying and 2 on the ground. The ones on the ground ARE NOT REAL. They are fakes. Pretty good ones. If they have plenty of these the Russians will have no real way of telling if they are hitting real airframes or not.

    Now let’s look at some other gear/weapons. I can see the pilot is not equipped with the JHMCS, which is what you’d want to take full advantage of the aim-9x high off bore sight capability. Instead these are the aim-9L/M. We can also see aim-120 AMRAAM here. I can tell from the rear aero surfaces that this is 100% not a later variant of AMRAAM. It’s not even AIM-120 c5 or C7. I’m almost certain this is AIM-120B.

  13. All I hear when I read this is “You need to construct additional pylons”

  14. The AIM-120, I wonder what specific type.
    Either way, if Russia are silly enough to by flying around any rubbish too close (like an Su-27 or MiG-29), then the AIM-120 will strike it with ease.

    Hopefully Russia has horrible strategy and a bunch of their jets get taken out.

  15. They would 💯 be smart enough not to put all the cards on the table by showing the best equipment up close for photo ops. I also cant imagine much of an impact on the biggest problem(glide bomb launches) if you’re only gonna give them B variants of a2a missiles

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