Help! Searching for my cousin near Razgrad

Hello Reddit. I come to you in a time of great need.

My cousin moved to Bulgaria 4 years ago and about 5 days ago he has gone missing. No family member has been able to reach him and he completely seems to have disappeared. He's not the type to ignore messages, let alone calls. We are from the US and he immigrated there. I know he lives near or in Razgrad. We have already contacted the Bulgarian police and filed a missing person report. In 3 days from now I will be flying to Bulgaria to look for him. I don't know exactly where he lives, the only thing I have is this picture of the grapes he sent me a week ago. He's American, white with dark hair, 190cm and with slender physique.

If anyone has details on where this might be, I will be eternally grateful.

Thank you guys in advance

by Substantial-Bit-4996

1 comment
  1. Does he own property in Bulgaria? If he does and you tell me his name, I can look up in the real estate registry and find out the address of his property, if that would help.

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